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Conflict of Interest

Form 700 E-Filing

Form 700 is filled electronically.  You will receive an email from welcoming you to eDisclosure and providing you with a login ID and a temporary password.  Please click the link at the bottom of the email and follow the instructions.

Form 700 Tutorials

Other Resources

Gifts to Agency

This form is for use by all state and local government agencies to disclose payments made to the agency when the payments provide a personal benefit to an official of the agency. Examples may include travel, meals or other benefits. Under certain circumstances, these payments will not result in a gift to the official, but will be considered a gift to the agency. The payments must be used for official agency business and must meet other requirements that are set out in FPPC Regulation 18944.2, which is available on the FPPC website.

California Fair Political Practice Commission (FPPC) Form 801 - Gifts to Agency

  • CSU Conflict of Interest Handbook
    The purpose of conflict of interest laws is to prohibit public employees from personally benefitting at the expense of the public interest. There is a wide variety of different conflict statutes, the bulk of which are addressed in this Handbook.
  • Form 801
    This form is used to report certain payments received by state and local government agencies. It includes: • a payment for an official’s travel expenses for the purpose of facilitating the public’s business in lieu of a payment using agency funds; and • a payment that would otherwise be considered a gift or income to the benefiting official, but is instead accepted on behalf of the agency.
  • FPPC Gifts and Honoraria Information
    Public officials and employees are subject to certain restrictions related to receiving gifts, honoraria, travel payments, and loans.

Completed 801 forms should be submitted to Human Resources within 30 days. A copy of the report will be posted on the Cal Poly Humboldt website.

Submit completed 801 forms to:
Human Resources
Phone: (707) 826-3626 - Fax (707) 826-3625