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Dependent Eligibility Verification

Action Items

All benefits eligible employees with dependents enrolled in CalPERS medical and/or CSU dental plans are required every 3 years to provide the necessary dependent eligibility supporting documentation that is prescribed by CalPERS prior to the Verification End Date or last day of the employee’s birth month.  The following chart illustrates the schedule:


If proper documentation is not received by the deadline, the dependent will lose coverage effective the first of the month following the Dependent Verification End Date, or the last day of the employee’s birth month.

Along with supporting documentation, employees will be required to complete the Dependent Verification Affidavit, which can be accessed here; The Dependent Verification Affidavit is also available in the Human Resources office.

If Human Resources already has copies of your marriage certificate, domestic partnership registration, and birth certificates for stepchildren or domestic partner children (so long as the marriage or domestic partnership remains current), or birth certificates for natural-born children/adoption certificates for adopted children, you will not need to provide these certificates again. 

All employees with any eligible dependents must visit the Human Resources office to turn in the Dependent Verification Affidavit.  At that time Human Resources will also verify that the University has the necessary supporting documentation for dependent eligibility.  If you do not make this contact with Human Resources, your dependents will be automatically dropped from your plan effective the first of the month following the Dependent Verification End Date, or the last day of the employee’s birth month.

Due to reduced campus operations, the preferred method to submit these documents to Human Resources is via the secure platform, MoveIt, which you can access using your Humboldt credentials. Please see instructions below.


If you are unable to scan documents, please mail your documents to:

Human Resources/Humboldt
1 Harpst St.
Arcata, CA 95521


Employee Communications

CalPERS will mail letters to each employee, based on the above re-verification schedule and the  employee’s birth month. CalPERS will mail up to three notification letters as follows:

  • Initial Notice – 90 days prior to the 1st of the month following the employee’s birthday
  • Reminder Notice – 60 days prior to the 1st of the month following the employee’s birthday
  • Deletion Notice – 30 days prior to the 1st of the month following the employee’s birthday

These notices will be sent to every employee with at least one dependent enrolled in a health plan, based on the schedule and birth month.  Notification letters will be mailed by CalPERS to the employee’s mailing address on file with CalPERS.


The DEV is the process of re-verifying the eligibility of spouses, domestic partners, children, stepchildren, and domestic partner children (family members) enrolled in CalPERS health and/or CSU dental benefit coverage.  The DEV process was authorized by Senate Bill (SB) 98 creating Government Code (GC) 22843.1. Government Code section 22959 authorizes extending this review to dependents enrolled in dental benefits.

The  law requires the California State University to:

  • Verify the eligibility of all employee dependents prior to enrolling them in a health and/or dental plan.
  • Maintain a record of the verifying documentation for each dependent.
  • Validate/verify dependent eligibility at least once every three years for most dependents.

Dependents will not be eligible to enroll or continue to be enrolled in CalPERS health and/or CSU dental coverage if employees do not provide the necessary supporting documentation prescribed by CalPERS prior to the Verification End Date or last day of the employee’s birth month, during their designated year of reverification.

Required Re-verification Supporting Documentation

The following supporting documentation will be required to verify dependent eligibility:

Dependent Type
Required Re-verification Documents
Spouse or Domestic PartnerA copy of the marriage certificate or domestic partnership registration filed with the California Secretary of State or comparable agency in another juisdiciton listing the family member as the domestic partner.
A copy of the first page of the subscriber's federal or state income tax return from the previous tax year listing the subscriber and the spouse or domestic partner.
A combination of other documentation, including but not limited to, a household bill, account statement, or insurance policy listing the name and address of the subsciber and the spouse or domestic partner, or other documents that substantiate the existance of a current marriage or domestic partnership.  Household bills and account statements older than 60 calendar days are unacceptable.
Natural-born Children*A copy of the birth certificate naming the employee as the parent.
Adopted Children*A copy of the birth or adoption certificate naming the employee, spouse or domestic partner as the parent.
Stepchildren*A copy of the birth certificate naming the employee's current spouse as the parent.
Domestic Partner Children*A copy of the birth certificate naming the employuee's current domestic partner as the parent.

*Children up to age 26 (the month in which dependent attains age 26). 

Employees who have adult children with disabilities or dependents in a parent child relationship will not need to provide verification and those dependents will have continued coverage as long as coverage is continuously certified.