
Landscape Management
During the Spring 2022 semester, a Senior Environmental Science & Management student (Sara Bandali) took on the task of formally documenting the Landscape Management Plan currently in place on the Cal Poly Humboldt Campus. With the help of the FM Sustainability department, FM Grounds department, and the FM Planning Department. These teams spent many hours pulling together content and formatting to produce this publication. This document may be viewed online here or downloaded as a PDF here. We are excited to have this document to reflect the current point of development for our landscaping practices. These practices will be reviewed annually and updated as needed to accurately reflect current practices in the Cal Poly Humboldt Grounds Shop.
In addition, we completed the first formalized Shared Maintenance and Comanagement Agreement for Outside space allocated to a specific Department and/or Program. The Food Sovereignty Lab & Traditional Ecological Knowledges Institute agreement for space surrounding the Behavioral & Social Sciences Building on the main Cal Poly Humboldt campus may be found here.

Cal Poly Humboldt is a Bee Campus USA Affiliate
Cal Poly Humboldt is working to conserve native pollinators by increasing the number of native plants, adding habitat, providing education and reducing the use of pesticides.
Bee City USA and Bee Campus USA are initiatives of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, with a mission to galvanize communities and campuses to sustain pollinators by providing them with healthy habitats. The focus of this program is on native pollinators. And it’s not just about bees! Butterflies, moths, beetles, flies and even hummingbirds are pollinators too!
Who are Our Local Pollinators?
Download the Native Pollinators of Humboldt County catalogue to learn more:
Native Pollinators of Humboldt County >>>
Pollinator Facts
- Pollinators are necessary for nearly 85% of all flowering plants, including the crops that give us one in three bites of the food we eat.
- Pollinators are keystone species in essentially every terrestrial ecosystem on earth, assisting in plant reproduction and supporting other species of wildlife.
- Over 40% of native pollinator species are in decline worldwide, with some at risk of extinction, due to habitat loss, the use of harmful pesticides, disease, and climate change.
- We need pollinators, so we should do all we can to ensure that they have a safe and robust habitat.
- These and other pollinator facts can be found on the Xerces Society website.
Pollinator Map
Hummingbirds, Anise Swallowtail butterflies, and Yellow-faced bumble bees are common native pollinators on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus. While you can see these and other pollinators all over campus, use the map to look for these pollinators at four key locations on campus.
Cal Poly Humboldt Pollinator Map >>>
Integrated Pest Management Plan and Pollinator-friendly Plant List
Cal Poly Humboldt created its integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM) in 2024, designed to prevent pest problems, reduce pesticide use, and expand the use of non-chemical pest management methods. As we reduce our impacts on pollinators, the Grounds Department is also working on developing additional pollinator-friendly areas on campus that utilize native plants. The pollinator garden on the northwest corner of Alistair McCrone Hall (AMH) is just one example.
Integrated Pest Management Plan >>>
AMH Pollinator Garden Plant List >>>
List of Local Suppliers of Native and Pollinator-Friendly Plants >>>
Our Landscape and Tree Advisory Committee serves to provide input to Facilities Management with regard to the planning, design and maintenance functions associated with the University's and Residence Hall landscape and urban forest.