XPL239 LK Wood and Sunset Intersection Improvements
Project Vitals
- Planned Construction Duration: Summer 2019
- Project Budget: $160,000
- Funding Source: City of Arcata & Humboldt
- Humboldt Project Manager: Michael Fisher
- Project Engineer: City of Arcata
- Project Contractor: RAO Construction
Updates & Information
- Project Plans can be dowloaded here.
Project Scope of Work
The Project will improve the north bound lane and pedestrian crossing at the LK Wood and Sunset intersection. The improvements will include a left hand turn pocket in addition to the existing northbound lane. This will allow two lanes of traffic for queuing vehicles as they cross the LK Wood and Sunset intersection in turn helping to alleviate vehicle backup during peak times. The project will also introduce raised concrete islands providing areas of refuge for pedestrians that are currently only delineated by road markings. This project was a collaboration between the City of Arcata, Cal-Trans, and Cal Poly Humboldt.