Cal Poly Humboldt uses natural gas for heating air and water in its buildings, and electricity to power lights, computers, pumps, motors, and other equipment. In fiscal year 2022-2023, electricity comprised 33.7% of facility energy use; natural gas comprised 66.3% of facility energy use.
Electricity Usage (Fiscal Year 2023-2024 and Historical)

Natural Gas Usage (Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and Historical)

Energy Goals
- Pursue energy procurement and production to reduce energy capacity requirements from fossil fuels, enhance electrical demand flexibility, and promote energy resilience using available economically feasible technology for on-site renewable generation, microgrids, and other fossil fuel-free energy storage solutions (CSU Sustainability Policy).
- Transition from fossil-fuel sourced equipment to electric equipment as replacements or renovations are needed, and no new investment in, or renewal of, natural gas assets or infrastructure as part of campus projects starting July 1, 2035, with the exception of critical academic program needs (CSU Sustainability Policy).
- Operate buildings in the most energy efficient manner and transition to a low carbon strategy without endangering public health and safety and without diminishing the quality of education and the academic program (CSU Sustainability Policy).
- All new construction, remodeling, renovation, and repair projects will be designed with consideration of optimum energy utilization, decarbonization, and low life-cycle operating costs and shall exceed all applicable energy codes and regulations (Building Energy Efficiency Standards, Tit. 24 CCR ยง 6) by ten percent (CSU Sustainability Policy).
The mild climate of the Humboldt Bay region has a direct impact on building energy consumption, as less artificial heating and cooling is required to maintain comfortable temperatures within campus buildings in comparison to regions with more extreme temperatures. The campus strives for continued reductions through ongoing lighting, HVAC and motor upgrades, as well as building envelope improvements and other installed efficiency measures.
- Two megawatts of solar photovoltaics (rooftop + carport) with battery storage
- Fuel-switching projects (replacing natural gas boilers with electric heat pumps)
- Interior and exterior building LED lighting upgrades
Next Steps
- Integrate a master utility plan into the campus physical plan
- Extend comprehensive metering to all existing and planned buildings
- Deliver 100% electric new construction and major building renovations
- Develop baseline and reduction targets for campuswide per-capita energy and water use
Learn More and Get Involved
- The CSU Energy Dashboard tracks and reports energy and water consumption across all 23 CSU campuses.
- The Sustainable Humboldt Innovative Futures Trust (SHIFT) provides funding for resource conservation and sustainability projects, hires student development teams and receives oversight by a committee of students, faculty and staff.
- Green Campus is comprised of paid and for-credit student interns implementing energy savings and sustainability campaigns
- Schatz Energy Research Center designs, demonstrates and deploys clean and renewable energy technologies. SERC offers student assistant, fellowship and docent programs
- Office of Sustainability includes an Energy Analyst/Planner responsible for campus energy tracking and development of energy efficiency projects
- The Virtual Green Office demonstrates how to set up your workspace
- Renewable Energy Student Union is a student club offering opportunities for hands-on learning in renewable energy systems.
Explore Sustainability Dashboard Categories
The Humboldt Sustainability Dashboard makes visible our progress towards meeting our sustainability goals, by featuring updated metrics for key sustainability performance areas, along with project descriptions, next steps and information on how you can learn more and get involved. Click through the sustainability categories and join the movement!
This dashboard is brought to you by the Humboldt Advisory Committee on Sustainability (HACS), a group of students, faculty and staff who believe that continual improvement in sustainability can be achieved with transparency and accountability.