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Governance & Committees

Sustainable Humboldt Innovative Futures Trust (SHIFT)
The Sustainable Humboldt Innovative Futures Trust (SHIFT) is a fund generated from student fees that focuses on creating a more sustainable campus by implementing projects inspired by student ideas.

Humboldt Advisory Committee on Sustainability (HACS)
The Humboldt Advisory Committee on Sustainability (HACS) was established in 2017 as a reflection of the campus’ commitment to sustainability as a strategic priority. 

Sustainable Transportation Committee (STC)
In Spring 2022 Cal Poly Humboldt President Tom Jackson and the University Senate authorized the establishment of the Sustainable Transportation Committee (STC). Its purpose is to assist the university in identifying and prioritizing opportunities to improve - and to reduce barriers to - the use of pedestrian, bicycling, transit and other non-single occupancy vehicle commute modes.

CCAT Steering Committee

A.S. Sub-Committee on Environmental Affairs
(Formerly known as the A.S. Earth Week Every Week Planning Committee)
This committee plans programs, events, and workshops that seek to educate, create community, and foster dialogue revolving around the theme of sustainability specifically related to issues of social and environmental justice, human and non-human rights, and healthy lifestyles.

University Space & Facilities Committee
The USFAC is a standing Committee advisory in nature to the Vice President for Administrative Affairs and the University Resources & Planning Committee (URPC). Work done at this level will be utilized to develop recommendations to the URPC for action. 

Strategic Planning Working Group: Resources Stewardship & Sustainability

Native American Studies Food Sovereignty Lab & Cultural Workspace Steering Committee
The FSL Steering Committee is the primary advisory committee for the planning, development, and realization of the Rou Dalagurr Food Sovereignty Lab and Traditional Ecological Knowledges Institute.