Sustainability in the Classroom
Humboldt is focused on preparing its students to pursue social justice, promote environmental responsibility, and improve economic conditions in their workplaces and communities. As such, check out these resources that explain how Humboldt is integrating sustainability into the classroom.
Sustainability Course Listings and Programs
View all sustainability related courses in the catalog.
View all sustainability related programs.

Presentations by Local Sustainability Practitioners
Interested in having a campus sustainability coordinator or a local sustainability practitioner come to your classroom?
Contact the Office of Sustainability for details!

Projects & Documents Database
Appropedia, founded by Environmental Resources Engineering Lecturer Lonny Grafman, is a site listing collaborative solutions in sustainability, poverty reduction, and international development through the use of sustainability principles and appropriate technology. Use the site to find student projects from ERE 305 and other courses.

Sustainability Related Majors, Minors and Certificates
Below is a list of our sustainability related bachelors, masters, minors and certificates. Each item links to the program's overview page. If you prefer to view a list of our Sustainability related courses view them on the catalog.