Student Communities
Students and the campus community exemplify sustainability every day at Cal Poly Humboldt.
Associated Students (AS) Resources
CCAT is a student-managed, student-funded, live-in demonstration home for appropriate technology. Appropriate technology is a way of evaluating technology and considering its social, economic, and environmental impacts.
Advocating composting, zero waste, reuse, bicycling and bike maintenance, the Waste Reduction Resource Awareness Program (WRRAP) engages the Humboldt community through events and resources.
The Subcommittee on Environmental Affairs plans programs, events, and workshops that seek to educate, create community, and foster dialogue revolving around the theme of sustainability specifically related to issues of social and environmental justice, human and non-human rights, and healthy lifestyles.
Learn more about the AS Subcommittee on Environmental Affairs
The Environmental Sustainability Officer serves as the committee head of the Subcommittee on Environmental Affairs and Graduate Pledge Alliance; and is a committee member of the Executive Cabinet and Sustainable Humboldt Innovative Futures Trust (SHIFT)
Sustainable Humboldt Innovative Futures Trust (SHIFT)
Ideas into action
The Sustainable Humboldt Innovative Futures Trust (SHIFT) is a fund generated from student fees that focuses on creating a more sustainable campus by implementing projects inspired by student ideas. Notable projects this fund has paid for in its lifetime include the installation of photovoltaic solar panels on top of Music A building, hydration stations found all around campus, compost bins, and multiple lighting projects, among many others.

Green Campus
Positive Action
Green Campus is a group of student assistants who work on sustainability projects as directed by the Sustainability Office at Cal Poly Humboldt. Programs are nested under three categories: educational campaigns and outreach; consultation with campus partners; and research projects.
Notable Green Campus programs include the Sustainability Employee Educators Developing Solutions (SEEDS) which seeks to advance sustainability knowledge and practices among staff and faculty; EcoReps which seeks to integrate sustainability practice & behavior into Residence Life; and Weigh the Waste, a program that advances food waste reduction knowledge, education, and improvement measures within Dining Services & locations.

Getting involved
Many student-run clubs at Cal Poly Humboldt promote sustainability and use best practices in their activities.
They include the Sustainability Club of Cal Poly Humboldt, the Renewable Energy Student Union, and many others.

Housing & Residence Life
Live your values
Housing & Residence Life is deeply involved in creating a campus that operates with sustainability in mind. We help you reduce the amount of energy and water used, waste created, and consumption of limited natural resources while living comfortably.