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Humboldt Advisory Committee on Sustainability

Humboldt Advisory Committee on Sustainability

The Humboldt Advisory Committee on Sustainability is charged with advising the Provost and the VP of Administration & Finance on specific, recommended actions the campus can take to further the implementation of sustainability into the core focus areas of campus operations, academics, infrastructure and engagement.


In her introduction to the Humboldt Climate Action Plan, then-President Lisa Rossbacher stated that "A bold and transformational commitment to sustainability is necessary to have an impact on our climate and planetary future and to foster the next generation of sustainability leaders." Indeed, to reach the targets set in the Climate Action Plan, as well as the CSU Sustainability Policy and the 2015- 2020 Strategic Plan, sustainability must be a strategic priority for the campus, so that major decisions, planning efforts and activities are conducted according to the "Triple Bottom Line": the interrlated dimensions of sustainability that are ecology, economy and social equity. Thus, in Spring 2017, Vice President of Administration and Finance Joyce Lopes and Provost Alex Enyedi chartered the Humboldt Advisory Committee on Sustainability to engage stakeholders and to make recommendations for further implementing sustainability into campus operations, academics, and infrastructure. Download the Committee Charge

Committee Definition of Sustainability

The committee bases its work on the following definition of sustainability:

Sustainability is the recognition that humanity is a part of the natural world, not separate from it, and that healthy social and economic systems depend on the health and resilience of ecological systems. 



  • One faculty co-chair appointed by the Provost
  • One standing appointment co-chair: Director of Sustainability or designee

Students appointed from the following organizations:

  • Campus Center for Appropriate Technology
  • Green Campus
  • Waste Reduction & Resource Awareness Program
  • Associated Students
  • At-Large

Faculty members:

  • One faculty member from the Colleges of Professional Studies, Natural Resources, and Arts, Humanities & Social Science
  • One at-large appointed by the University Senate

Staff members appointed by:

  • Staff Council
  • Facilities Management
  • Housing
  • Dining Services
  • The Budget Office
  • Athletics

One member of the community

Sustainability Committee Annual Report

Download the most recent Annual Report here.

For more information on this committee, how to join it, or when it meets, please contact either of the two co-chairs: