Event Catering by Humboldt Dining
Humboldt Dining Catering is available for all your campus meetings and events!
Humboldt Dining Catering can prepare...
A continental breakfast for your morning crew, boxed lunches to take on your group adventure, or a formal banquet for your special event! We also coordinate all Food trucks or Food tents for Campus events, as well as Event Concessions.
Catering arrangements can be made in three ways...
- Start the process by requesting Campus Catering, Food trucks, or Concessions in the 25Live Event Form.
- Go to the Humboldt Dining Catering website and order directly
- Call/Email Morgan McEvoy at (707) 826-4001,
(must list food/alcohol on 25Live Event form for review & approval, regardless of contact method)
Custom Catering for your Special Event
- Locally themed meals: Local BBQ Salmon & Steelhead dinner
- Fun Event snacks: Ice Cream Social or Pizza Party
- Semi-Formal affairs: Seated Banquet with Buffet meal
- Food-on-the-go: Boxed lunches to take on your off-campus adventures!
- Food Truck/ Food tents: Pineapple Express, Los Gilies, Taste of Bim (Limited availability, locations and vendors)
- Concessions: Campus Dining Catering by Chartwells is the sole provider of Concessions on Campus.

Morgan McEvoy
Director of Catering
(707) 826-4001