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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Emergency Preparedness

Everything you need to know for your safety while on-campus.

Youth on Campus and Security

Adult supervision is required with any youth 17 and under. For groups the ratio will be no less than one adult to every 10 youths. Supervisors must be a minimum of 18 years of age. These supervisors will act as liaison between the University and participants.

Any person requesting a key with access to youth rooms must confirm current background check status. Contact the Conference Services Coordinator and/or UPD for assistance with these security screenings. 

Residence Hall & Campus Security

Trained Conference Staff members conduct periodic security checks in and around the residence halls to secure all doors and make sure all buildings are safe. The Conference Staff reside on campus and are on-call all night. They will respond to any emergency along with the University Police Department (UPD).

All calls to the Conference Desk during closed hours are referred to UPD. UPD will contact the Conference Staff if their assistance is needed.

UPD is located in the Student and Business Services building, Room 101. They can be reached any time by calling (707) 826-5555. The professionally trained police officers at Cal Poly Humboldt are responsible for the protection of life and property in our campus community. Some of the services provided by UPD that would be of interest to participants include:

  • Safety escorts - Call (707) 826-5555 to request an escort on campus.
  • Motorist assistance
  • Law enforcement

All residence hall exterior doors are locked for security purposes. Each conference participant is issued a building entrance key card for entrance at any time. We ask that participants do not prop any doors. This undermines all security. We ask that participants report any suspicious persons to the Conference Staff or UPD immediately.

Courtesy/Emergency Phones

Each complex has at least one courtesy and/or emergency phone in a convenient location. Housing, university business and office phones with the prefix 826 can be reached by dialing the last four digits of the phone number. 

Full Map of Courtesy/Emergency Phones on campus

Personal Safety Responsibilities

Though many University Departments, including Housing and Residence Life and the University Police Department have instituted safety and security policies and services, your personal safety and security is largely up to you. When you fail to take precautions, you put yourself at risk. An awareness of the environment and your surroundings is the best place to start.

You may have valuable possessions in your room such as jewelry or a computer. You must ensure that these things are not vulnerable to theft or damage. These crime prevention tips will assist you in doing just that.

  • Always lock your door
  • Store valuables out of sight
  • Never prop any doors open
  • Report lost key cards immediately

Card Access System

All residence halls have a key card access system for building security. Participants should always carry their key card, as their card will allow them to gain access to the building in which they live as well as access to the cafeteria. Participants who lose their key card must go to the Conference Desk to receive a replacement key card. Please report a lost card immediately!

Emergency Information Card

Located on the back of the room door is an Emergency Information Card. It includes important safety and evacuation information. Encourage participants to familiarize themselves with this emergency information and learn where all exits are located.

Right of Entry

We respect the participant's right to privacy; however, we reserve the right to enter the participant's room at any time for health, safety, welfare, law enforcement, or maintenance purposes. It is expressly understood that the Conference and University Staff may perform such inspection and maintenance in or outside of the participant's room without prior notice. The conference agrees to cooperate fully with the Conference and University Staff and understands that such inspection or maintenance may entail noise and inconvenience.

Fire Alarm Procedures

If an alarm sounds, you are to assume there is an emergency and evacuate the building.

Look for the Evacuation Plan signs near the door.

Feel the door for temperature (use the back of your hand). If it is hot, do not open it.

If the door is not hot, exit the room and head for the Rally Point designated on the Evacuation Plan.

Close the door behind you.

Move quickly, but do not run.

If the Rally Point is unsafe or if directed to do so by emergency personnel, head for the secondary Emergency Assembly Point (EAP) designated on the Evacuation Plan.

After exiting the building safely, await further information at the Rally Point or EAP from emergency personnel.

If you cannot leave the room, stay calm.

Close the windows.

Call 911 to notify authorities of your location.

Stuff wet sheets or clothing under the doors.

Hang a sheet out the window or shout to attract attention.

Stay low to the ground if smoke is present.

Take a towel to avoid smoke inhalation.

You can obtain additional information on KHumboldt 90.5, at, or by calling (707) 826-INFO (4636).

Do not re-enter the building until permitted to do so by a staff member.

Tampering with or disabling any part of the fire alarm system, discharging an extinguisher, or registering a false alarm, or setting fire can endanger life and property and will be grounds for removal from the residence halls.

Smoke and heat detectors installed in rooms and common areas must be kept in working order.

Report any malfunctions to theHousing Info Desk at (707) 826-3451.

For more information on evacuation procedures and assisting individuals with functional and/or access needs, go to the Evacuation Procedures website.

Earthquake Procedures

During an Earthquake:

  • As soon as the ground starts shaking, DUCK, COVER, and HOLD ON:
    • DROP under the nearest sturdy table, chair, desk, etc.
    • COVER your head and your neck.
    • HOLD ON to the table, chair or desk with your other hand to prevent it from shaking away from you.
  • Remain under your cover until the shaking stops.
  • If you cannot get under a sturdy cover, crawl next to an interior wall, away from glass or any overhead hazard, and cover your head and your neck with both hands.
  • Stay away from all glass areas such as windows or mirrors.

After an Earthquake:

  • Once shaking stops, carefully exit the building, avoiding fallen debris and broken glass, and assisting others if safe to do so.
  • Head to the nearest designated Emergency Assembly Point; continue looking out for fallen debris and overhead hazards as you make your way to safety.
  • After exiting the building safely, await further information at the EAP from emergency personnel, on KHumboldt 90.5, or at, or at (707) 826-INFO (4636).
  • Check for injuries. Seek first aid if needed.
  • DO NOT use matches, candles or open flames because there may be gas leaks.
  • DO NOT operate electrical switches or appliances.
  • Check for safety hazards: fire, gas leaks, water supply, etc.
  • Do not use telephones or roadways unless necessary. Keep them open for emergency use.
  • Be prepared for aftershocks.
  • Cooperate. Stay informed. Remain calm.

Local Medical Services

In an emergency, dial 911 from any campus phone or the University Police at (707) 826-5555.

Area Hospitals

Mad River Community Hospital

(2 miles north of campus)
3798 Janes Road
Arcata, CA
(707) 822-3621

St. Joseph Hospital

2700 Dolbeer St.
Eureka, CA
(707) 445-8121

Urgent Care Facilities

Express Services

Mad River Community Hospital

(2 miles north of campus)
3798 Janes Road
Arcata, CA
(707) 826-8264
Open everyday 1-9 pm

Redwood Urgent Care

2440 23rd Street
Eureka, CA
(707) 298-2011
Open weekdays 9am - 6:30pm