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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Signs & Materials Distribution

Banners, Posters, Chalking, Staking, Tabling and Sandwich Boards Request Form

All Banner, Chalking, Poster, Staking, Tabling and Sandwich Board requests must be submitted using this form and be approved before they are permitted on campus. Please reach out to if you have any questions.

Non-commercial printed material may be distributed on University property or at official University functions subject to the following provisions:

  • On University grounds that are designated as a public area. Printed material is not forced upon others.
  • Printed material shall not be placed on or in vehicles parked on University property.
  • Persons distributing printed material shall be responsible to ensure the printed material does not litter the area of distribution.
  • Tables and portable (i.e., hand carried) displays used to facilitate distribution may be placed on only paved pedestrian walkways, and may not block walkways or entrances to buildings or otherwise impede the free flow of traffic. Tables or portable displays must be attended at all times by the individuals or groups sponsoring the distribution, and such individuals or groups must ensure the printed material they are distributing does not litter the area.
  • Printed material may not be distributed in University buildings or parking lots.
  • Distribution must not interfere with classes and other University functions, operations and events or obstruct the free flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and may not be conducted in such a manner as to impair safety, including at the top or bottom of elevators and stairs.

Posting of signs, posters, and sandwich boards are permitted following the guidelines below. Posting printed material on all other locations including, but not limited to, building walls, restrooms, windows, glass surfaces, doors, benches, utility poles, sculptures, garbage receptacles, railings, trees, traffic control signs, stairs, bus stop areas, and sidewalks is prohibited. 

  • Exceptions are allowed in those buildings where it has been customary for faculty and staff to post materials on their own office doors or when work such as plumbing, heating/air conditioning, electrical or computer networking is underway. In such cases the posting method must not damage the door in any manner.
  • The University reserves the sole right to post signage for emergency and safety purposes on otherwise prohibited surfaces and locations.
  • Department bulletin boards: Department bulletin boards are reserved for the posting of materials relating to and approved by the pertinent department. Department bulletin boards are marked as such.
  • Union (collective bargaining agreement) bulletin boards: Union bulletin boards are reserved for posting of official union documents and announcements as approved by the pertinent union.
  • General bulletin boards: Anyone may post signs on general bulletin boards (indoor or outdoor). These bulletin boards are marked “General” and are listed here. All signs must receive approval and stamping at the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Information Desk prior to posting.
    • Posters may not exceed 11”x17” in size.
    • Posters must identify the responsible organization or department.
    • Quantities permitted—On-campus events: 50 copies. Off-campus events/all other: 20 copies.
    • Duplicate copies of a posting on a single bulletin board is not permitted.
    • Postings may not be placed in a way that might deface or damage university property (i.e. posted using staples, taped onto painted surfaces, painted, etc.) Only thumbtacks may be used to secure posters on bulletin boards.
    • Postings that contain defamation, obscenity, terrorist threats, false advertising, or the promotion of actual or imminent violence or harm, speech not protected by the United States Constitution and/or the California constitution, or speech that otherwise violates the restrictions in this policy, are not permitted.
    • Removal of signs, other than by posting party or University personnel acting pursuant to their duties, is prohibited.
    • Posting in student housing areas requires that flyers are reviewed and approved by the Director of Residence Life, no less than 2 weeks prior to the event. If approved, they can bring a specific number of copies to the Housing Front desk, and Residence Life staff will distribute through the buildings.
  • The University residence halls are not available for posting of materials or solicitation of goods and are not accessible to the public, please refer to the Housing & Residence Life Handbook
  • Any poster that does not comply with these rules or that otherwise violates this policy is subject to removal at any time.
  • Violations of the Bulletin Board Procedures shall be reported to the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Information Desk. Organizations in violation shall be informed and their publicity materials will be removed from the campus bulletin boards. Any additional violations shall be sent to the Dean of Students or designee for further action. Publicity privileges may be suspended or revoked by the University at any time for violations.
  • Banners are a special category of postings because of their size and will only be permitted on the exterior railings of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center, except with special approval by CES and Marketing & Communications. Posting of temporary Banners is limited to promotion of University sponsored events/activities and University-recognized organizations or departments.
    • Banner specifications include:
      • Banners must be larger than 2’ x 3’ but may not exceed 3’ x 5.5’ , unless otherwise approved by CES and Marketing & Communications. 
      • Banners may be made only of vinyl, foam core, cardboard or paper. No banner shall be made of metal or wood. 
  • Due to the limited space available, banners may only be used to publicize special events that are open to and held primarily for the campus community.  Priority will be given to promotion of Institutional events such as Commencement, Lumberjack Weekend, Orientation/Welcome Week, and Preview events. 
  • A reservation is required for posting banners in the designated locations.
    • Banner reservations may be submitted with Conference & Event Services or at the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Information Desk.
    • Banner space may be reserved up to one academic semester in advance of the event. 
  • There are a limited number of banner spaces allocated for use by Recognized Student Organization (RSO) or Campus Department. Each Recognized Student Organization (RSO) or Campus Department is restricted to 10 business days of banner space per semester, unless an exception is approved by the Dean of Students or their designee. In the event that all spaces are reserved, campus organization representatives may check in daily with the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Information Desk to see if a banner space becomes available. 
  • For safety reasons and to minimize the risk of damage to University property, banners will be posted only by Gutswurrak Student Activities Center, Facilities Management or Marketing & Communications staff.
    • The Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Information Desk will not hold onto banners, unless the space has been reserved.
    • In the event of inclement weather (wind, rain, etc.) banners may not be posted.
  • Chalking on campus grounds is only permitted for University affiliated campus departments and organizations.
  • Chalking is only permitted on flat, concrete surfaces. 
    • Chalking is not permitted on buildings, doors, steps, windows, vertical surfaces (such as retaining walls or planters), seating surfaces or tables, painted surfaces, posts, lawn areas, railings, trees, traffic control signs, utility poles, construction fences, vehicles, garden areas, flowerbeds, newspaper racks, trash or recycle bins, streets or stairs, or within 20 feet of stairs or entryways.
  • Only washable sidewalk chalk may be used.
  • Chalking must be submitted in advance to Conference & Event Services.
    • Registered Student Organizations have a separate process for chalking approval and is limited to events/activities sponsored by Registered Student Organizations.
    • Housing & Residence Life has a separate process for chalking approval and is limited to events/activities sponsored by Housing & Residence Life Organizations.
  • The University reserves the right to designate “no chalking days” during which days chalking will not be permitted on campus. 
  • It is requested that the person/group responsible for chalking, removes the chalking within (3) days. 
  • Failure to comply with the chalking rules or with the other requirements of this policy in association with a chalking activity may result in denial of future requests for chalking approval.
  • Staking is a stick, pole or post driven into the ground for flier or message promotion. This service is limited to recognized University affiliated campus departments and organizations.
    • Staking must be approved in advance by Conference & Event Services..
    • For spaces within Housing & Residence Life, staking must be approved in advance by the Director of Residence Life. 
  • Stakes may not be up for longer than 10 business days, unless provided special permission from Conference & Event Services. Within 72 hours after completion of the advertised event, the posting entity or person is responsible for removing the posters and all stakes. 
  • All signs must identify the responsible University-recognized organization or department.
  • Tabling is available to various members of the on- and off-campus community provided their use complies with the time, place, and manner limitations. Priority for space is given to recognized university organizations/departments and those that have reserved the space in advance. Individuals who are not members of a Recognized Student Organization (RSO) or a campus organization may apply to table as an external community member through Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Information Desk.
    • Recognized Student organizations will work with the Office of Student Life to reserve a table, and sign off on tabling procedures.
      • Recognized Student Organizations may not use state resources to endorse individual political candidates.
      • Check with the Office of Student Life desk to reserve a table for the University Quad before setting up tables to see if it has been reserved. 
      • If a University recognized organization wants to table in other spaces on campus, they must work with Conference & Event Services to obtain appropriate approval.
  • Any campus organization or non-campus affiliate activity should contact the Conference & Event Services Office for the process to reserve a table and must follow the following guidelines:
    • All off-campus entities are limited to tabling in the upper quad, and must complete the appropriate tabling forms with Conference & Event Services.
    • Non-profit off-campus organizations or individuals are allowed to table on the University Quad for no cost as long as they are not selling anything or promoting a business.
    • For-profit organizations or individuals have additional policies, including, but not limited to:
      • Only permitted to table five (5) business days per semester.
      • May incur a fee to table on the University Quad.