Resident Safety Guide
Safety Starts with You
At Cal Poly Humboldt we strive to make our campus community the safest learning environment possible. We've instituted time-proven safety and security policies, which are enforced by our trained staff and the professional police officers of our University Police Department. In short, we've taken the first step in providing for your safety. Ultimately, however, guaranteeing your personal safety requires that you also take precautions. Being aware of your environment and surroundings is the best place to start. We will continue to develop and implement security measures, but these measures can only succeed with your participation and support.
FM Global: Dorm Don'ts

To help facilitate safety and security, the Resident Advisors (RAs) conduct rounds of the buildings. After 5pm, these staff members in conjunction with the Residence Life Coordinators (RLCs) are available to assist with emergencies, maintenance issues, lockouts and other issues that may arise. If you need assistance before 5pm on weekdays, please contact the Housing Office at 707.826.3451. After hours, contact the University Police Department (UPD) at 707.826.5555. If it is an emergency, dial 911.
Our Card Access System enhances our building security. Residents should always carry their Humboldt card. Once activated and a pin number is established, this card will allow you to gain access to the building, floor and room to which you were assigned. Additionally, this card will contain your meal plan. If you would like to change your pin number, the key card kiosk is located on the first floor of the JGC near the information desk. Do not give/lend your Humboldt card to anyone- it is a policy violation. If you lose your card, please report your lost card online.
We conduct safety checks of each resident room during Humboldt breaks to assure items are unplugged and there is no potential fire or safety hazards in unoccupied rooms. An informational memo will be sent out to residents via campus email and mailbox a few weeks prior to the break period. This memo will instruct residents of procedures that should be followed in preparation for the break.
The University Police Department is located in the Student & Business Services Building, Room 101. The State certified police officers at Cal Poly Humboldt are responsible for the protection of life and property in our campus community. Some of the services provided by UPD include: safety escorts (call 707.826.5555 to request an escort on campus)
- bicycle licensing
- motorist assistance
- law enforcement
- crime prevention programs and information
- engravers used to mark property
You may have valuable possessions in your room such as a stereo, jewelry, television, computer, or perhaps your favorite pair of jeans. You must ensure that these things are not vulnerable to theft or damage. These crime prevention tips may save you some grief.
- Always leave your door securely closed.
- Store valuables out of sight.
- Use your locked drawer, if you have one designated for your space.
- Safes are available for rent from the Housing Office (limited quantaties available).
- Be aware of strangers on your floor, and notify UPD of any suspicious person(s).
- Do not allow people access to the halls without checking if they live in that area.
- Never prop doors open.
- Keep an inventory of your belongings.
- Report lost Humboldt Cards immediately to the Housing Office.
Located on the back of your room door is an Emergency Information Card. This card provides you with important safety and evacuation information. Be sure to familiarize yourself with this emergency information and learn where all exits are located. Do not tamper with or remove this card.
For Residents in Housing, if you test positive, you should isolate until no fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication, and other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving. Then wear a well-fitting mask for the 10 days after the initial date of sickness. Masks may be removed if you have 2 sequential negative tests at least 1 day apart. If testing positive, but no symptoms, wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days after the first positive test. Mask can be removed if you have 2 sequential negative tests at least 1 day apart
We encourage having your roommate or friend pick up meals for you. If using a meal plan, you can provide your designee your Humboldt ID to take to the dining outlet cashiers for charging to your meal plan. If you need to go out yourself for dining, you must wear a tight fitting face covering during your isolation period.
For more information, visit the campus Risk Management Covid page.
Mountain Lions
Mountain lions are very shy creatures and are rarely seen. However, they have been spotted in the community forest on occasion and in the woods behind the Canyon and Creekview. Should you have an encounter with a mountain lion, DO NOT turn and run away. Give the animal its space, and shout or yell at it. This will likely cause the mountain lion to move along on its way. Be sure to contact UPD if you have an encounter or spot a mountain lion on campus.
Tips on Wildlife Safety
- Keep your distance. Animals like having their own space and can become aggressive when they are cornered. These are living creatures that have a will of their own, plus the possibility of disease or injury can make an animal very unpredictable.
- Do not touch. These are wild animals with minds of their own. They might look cute but they also have teeth.
- Do not feed. Most human food is not healthy for wild animals to digest. Also feeding them causes them to become dependent on us for food rather than hunting or foraging for themselves.
- Do not take them home with you. These are wild animals and should remain in the wild.
- Do not throw things at wildlife or harass them.
- If animals are demonstrating unusual beh/avior, or being aggressive without provocation call UPD at 707.826.5555.
Cal Poly Humboldt (Humboldt) is committed to maintaining and strengthening an educational, working, and living environment founded on dignity and social responsibility. Sexual misconduct, (including sexual assault and sexual harassment), intimate partner/domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking as well as acts of retaliation against survivors go against the standards and ideals of our community and will not be tolerated. Humboldt aims to eliminate these harmful actions through education, training, clear policies, and serious consequences for violations of these policies. This policy applies to all university community members, including university employees, students, and third parties. (Examples of third parties include employees of auxiliary organizations, volunteers, independent contractors, vendors and their employees, and visitors.) If a university community member is found responsible for committing sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, or stalking, they can face criminal charges and/or the appropriate Humboldt conduct process (for information concerning the various conduct processes, see “Information Regarding the Humboldt Campus' Criminal and Civil Consequences of Committing Acts of Sexual Violence” at Humboldt is committed to the well-being and rights of the person reporting the assault, while ensuring due process for the accused.
Follow this link for information on filing a report or accessing support services related to this policy.
Sexual Misconduct
Consent: fully conscious, voluntary acceptance and agreement to engage in a sexual act. If force, fear, threat, coercion, incapacitation (including by alcohol or other drugs), or violence is used or someone takes advantage of an individual who is incapable of giving consent due to that individual’s age or disability or by the use of coercion through one’s position of authority, consent cannot exist. Consent cannot be inferred from a current or previous sexual, romantic, or marital relationship, nor can it be inferred from consenting to any other sexual acts. Consent can be taken away at any time.
Criminal charges: upon law enforcement investigation a report may be forwarded to the District Attorney’s office, which is solely responsible for the decision of whether to file criminal charges.
Dating violence: a form of sexual violence and is abuse committed by a person who is or has been in a social or dating relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. This may include someone the victim just met; i.e., at a party, introduced through a friend, or on a social networking website.
Intimate partner/domestic violence: a pattern of power and control that results in physical, sexual, or mental harm, or other forms of abuse, by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of romantic nature, including spouses. This type of violence can occur among heterosexual or same-sex couples and does not require sexual intimacy. Domestic violence also includes abuse committed against a current or former cohabitant or someone with whom the abuser has a child. Cohabitant means two unrelated persons living together for a substantial period of time, resulting in some permanency of relationship. Factors that may determine whether persons are cohabiting include, but are not limited to, (1) sexual relations between parties while sharing the same living quarters, (2) sharing of income or expenses, (3) joint ownership of property, (4) whether the parties hold themselves out as husband and wife, (5) the continuity of the relationship, and (6) the length of the relationship.
Retaliation: adverse action taken against a person who has reported or opposed conduct which the person reasonably and in good faith believes is discrimination or harassment, has participated in an investigation / proceeding, or has assisted someone in reporting or opposing discrimination, harassment or retaliation or is perceived to have done either of these things.
Sexual assault: any attempted or completed sexual act without consent, including unwelcome sexual touching, oral, anal, or vaginal contact and/or penetration. Rape is defined as sexual intercourse without consent, and is a form of sexual assault.
Sexual harassment: consists of both non-sexual conduct based on sex or sex-stereotyping and conduct that is sexual in nature which can be verbal, nonverbal, or physical. Sexual harassment also includes hostile behavior based on sex or gender stereotypes, or one’s sexual orientation or gender identity, even if that behavior isn’t explicitly sexual. This behavior has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment, limiting one’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or opportunities offered by the University.
Stalking (including cyber-stalking): a repeated course of conduct directed at a specific person that places that person in reasonable fear for their or the safety of others of others, or causes the victim to suffer substantial emotional distress. This can encompass a range of behaviors, including following someone in person or otherwise monitoring them.
Follow this link for more information concerning these definitions.
The Humboldt Housing is committed to supporting the needs of survivors of sexualized violence. Humboldt Housing recognizes that anyone can be a survivor of sexual assault regardless of gender identity/performance, race, class, ability, sexuality, or age.
We are here to support you in any and all efforts to process through survival of an incident. If you need to report an incident of sexual assault or misconduct, contact any Housing staff member; be aware that Housing Staff members are required to report incidences of sexual assault to university officials.
Survivors may also seek assistance from:
- Humboldt Counseling and Psychological Services 707.826.3236 (Anonymous)
- Student Affairs Office Staff 707.826.3361 (Mandated Reporter)
- University Faculty/Staff Members with whom you feel comfortable (Mandated Reporter)
- North Coast Rape Crisis Team 707.445.2881 (Anonymous)
- University Police Department 707.826.5555 (To file a criminal report)
- Mary Sue Savage 707.826.5235 (Not a Mandated Reporter)
- Mira Friedman 707.826.5234 (Not a Mandated Reporter)
Confidential Reporting
Survivors of sexual violence choose to file or not file a report for many different reasons. There is no one right choice. If you would like to talk to someone first about what is involved in the various processes of reporting, the North Coast Rape Crisis Team is available 24 hours a day at 707.445.2881 Advocates are also available to accompany you if you choose to make a report to the University Police Department, the Student Conduct System, or the appropriate law enforcement agency. You may also contact the Counseling and Psychological Services Center on campus at 707.826.3236.
To Make a Report
You can talk to any Housing staff member including your Resident Adviser (RA) or your Residence Life Coordinator (RLC). These staff members are resources available to support you and ensure your safety. You can reach a Housing staff member by calling 707.826.3451. If you would like to file a complaint or make a report, a Housing staff member can help you begin the process.
Your campus Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators are available to explain and discuss: your right to file a criminal complaint (sexual misconduct, violence, and stalking); the university’s complaint process, including the investigation process; how confidentiality is handled; available resources, both on and off campus; and other related matters.
David Hickcox
Title IX Coordinator and Discrimination, Harassment & Retaliation Prevention Administrator
1 Harpst Street, Arcata, CA 95521
Office: Siemens Hall 212
Office Telephone: 707.826.5177
Online Report:
Department Email:
If you are in the midst of an emergency, please consider calling the police by dialing 9-1-1.
University Police
1 Harpst Street, Arcata, CA 95521
Student Business Services Building Room 101
Telephone: 707.826.5555 (business)
The North Coast Rape Crisis Team offers a 24-hour crisis line with immediate support services to survivors of sexual assault and their family and friends, information on medical and legal procedures survivors can expect to encounter, accompaniment to medical exams and law enforcement agencies, and on-going support for survivors. You DO NOT have to deal with a rape/sexual misconduct/assault situation alone; these resources are accessible to you.
If you would like to get involved in activism on campus focused on ending sexualized violence contact the Women’s Resource Center at or the Health Educator, Mira Friedman at You can also check the Humboldt Sexual Assault Prevention Committee website at
Check It
CHECK IT is a student-led project and growing movement on campus. It's about rejecting our culture's passive acceptance of harm and making it a norm to CHECK IT (intervene) if we see an absence of consent or a high-risk situation where someone may be hurt. CHECK IT is about making clear to those who commit acts of violence (specifically sexual assault, dating violence, stalking) that it is not acceptable and we are not going to put up with it in our community. CHECK IT is about strategizing as a community different ways we can take action when we see potential moments of violence or harm happening around us so that in those moments we have the tools to do something instead of nothing. CHECK IT is about creating a campus culture that's more rooted within a sense of community where we all look out for one another and have each other's backs.
To learn more or get involved with CHECK IT, visit
- Propped doors — To keep yourself, others and personal property safe, make sure you never prop doors. Please close propped doors right away and report repeat problems to a Housing staff member.
- Report the presence of strangers to residence hall staff or University Police — whether they've gained access, are hanging around or are exhibiting questionable behavior. Don't let strangers into your building, even if they tell you that they are visiting a friend. Offer to call their friend for them instead. Don't be alone with someone you just met.
- Keep your room door closed and locked, especially during the times that you are sleeping or out. Don't lend your room key card to anyone.
Awareness of Your Surroundings
- Don't wear headphones when walking, jogging or studying alone.
- At a party, never leave your drink unattended; never accept drinks from strangers and never drink from common sources, like punch bowls.
- Keep a level head. Alcohol or other drugs compromise your safety by lowering inhibitions and clouding your judgment. Many survivors and perpetrators of sexual assault are under the influence when an incident occurs. Make decisions so that alcohol and other drugs will not compromise your judgment or your safety.
- If you go somewhere with friends, make sure that everyone is accounted for before leaving.
Safety in Numbers
- Walk out to your car with someone you know and trust, especially when it is dark. Always keep your car locked.
- Walk with people you know, especially after dark. Tell someone where you are going. If you have to work in an isolated lab, practice room or study lounge, take someone with you.
- When you must walk alone, stay in well-lighted areas. Walk confidently and directly at a steady pace on the side of the street facing traffic. Walk close to the curb. Avoid doorways, bushes and alleys where someone can surprise you.
- If someone is stalking you, report it to University Police immediately. If you are being followed, head toward crowds, lights or buildings.
Alerting Others
- If you are in danger, scream and run, or yell "fire." If you carry a whistle on your keychain — blow it.
- 9-1-1 from any campus phone or your cell phone will put you in contact with law enforcement in the case of emergency. Dial 707.826.5555 to reach University Police for non emergency concerns.
- Trust your instincts.
Within Relationships
- Clearly communicate your boundaries in the activities that you are interested in practicing.
- Listen to people when they are communicating their intentions — unless they are saying "yes," assume they are saying "no."
- Clearly communicate your intentions — say "no" and mean it.
We are here to support you in any and all efforts to ease survival of an incident. If you need to report an incident of sexual assault or misconduct, contact any Housing staff member. Survivors may also seek assistance from:
- Humboldt Counseling and Psychological Services 707.826.3236
- Student Affairs office staff 707.826.3361
- University faculty and staff members with whom you feel comfortable
- North Coast Rape Crisis Team 707.445.2881
The North Coast Rape Crisis Team offers a 24-hour crisis line with immediate support services to survivors of sexual assault and their family and friends, information on medical and legal procedures survivors can expect to encounter, accompaniment to medical exams and law enforcement agencies and on-going support for survivors. You DO NOT have to deal with a sexual assault situation alone; these resources are accessible to you.
Please note: Cal Poly Humboldt officials (except counselors at Humboldt Counseling & Psychological Services) are mandated reporters and will need to notify University police of situations which might be considered sexual assault. North Coast Rape Crisis 707.445.2881in most cases can provide anonymous support services.