Cancellation & Appeals
Cancellation Prior to Move-In
If you need to cancel your application before move-in, because you will not be attending Cal Poly Humboldt or no longer plan to live in the residence halls; you must notify the Housing Office of your decision by emailing or email or by cancelling in your myHousing portal. NOTIFYING ANY OTHER UNIVERSITY OFFICE DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR OBLIGATION TO NOTIFY HOUSING IN WRITING.
First-Year, first-time students are required to live in university housing for their first two years, unless they have an exemption that is approved. First-Year students and students in their required 2nd year will be held to the two year housing requirement and housing and meal plan charges for that time period as long as they’re attending the University. The cancellation deadlines apply to students who are not attending the University and/or students that are not required to live in University Housing for their first two years.
2025 - 2026 Academic Year
Students wishing to cancel their request to live in university housing for the 2025 - 2026 Academic Year who have a room assignment, must notify the Housing Office by email or by cancelling in their myHousing portal by July 18, 2025, to avoid penalties by providing 30 days notice. Notifying any other university office does not satisfy your obligation to notify Housing & Residence Life. Such requests received by July 18 will be honored; all cancellations will forfeit the nonrefundable application fee of $100.
Beginning July 19, 2025, requests to cancel will be honored; however, these requests will forfeit the $100 nonrefundable application fee, be charged a $200 cancellation fee, and charged a prorated daily penalty fee for their room and meal plan for each day of notice that is less than the required 30 days.
Students who cancel from the waitlist (who have not yet received a room assignment) after the July 18 cancellation deadline will not be penalized. If we have not offered or guaranteed a space at the time the student cancels from the waitlist, they will not be penalized. If a student is still on the waitlist and we offer or guarantee that student a room and the student then cancels, the standard cancellation fee applies.
Spring 2026 (Only for NEW Spring 2026 residents)
Please carefully review the cancellation information in the application for Spring 2026. (This does not apply for students who lived on-campus for Fall 2025). Students wishing to cancel their request to live on campus for Spring 2026 must notify the Housing Office by email or by cancelling in their myHousing portal by January 2, 2026. Notifying any other university office does not satisfy your obligation to notify the Housing Office in writing. Such requests received by January 2, 2026, will be honored; all cancellations will forfeit the nonrefundable application fee of $100.
Beginning January 3, 2026, requests to cancel will be honored; however, these cancellations will forfeit the $100 nonrefundable application fee, be charged a $200 cancellation fee and charged a prorated daily penalty fee for their room and meal plan for each day of notice that is less than the required 30 days.
Students who cancel from the waitlist (who have not received a room assignment) after the January 2 cancellation deadline will not be penalized. If we have not offered or guaranteed a space at the time the student cancels from the waitlist, they will not be penalized. If a student is still on the waitlist and we offer or guarantee that student a room and the student then cancels, the standard cancellation fee applies.
Cancellation/Vacate After Move-In
Any Licensee who need to vacate the residence halls must submit a Vacate Form. Please see your Housing & Residence Life and Dining License Agreement, "License Cancellations/Revocations and Refund Policy" for a more detailed explanation of the notice requirements and penalties involved.
First-Year, first-time students are required to live in university housing for their first two years, unless they have an exemption that is approved. First-Year students and students in their required 2nd year will be held to the two year housing requirement and housing and meal plan charges for that time period as long as they are attending the University. The cancellation after the beginning of the fee period policy applies to students who will no longer be attending the University and/or students that are not required to live in University Housing for their first two years.
As outlined in the License Cancellations/Revocations and Refund Policy section of the Housing & Residence Life and Dining License Agreement, a student wishing to vacate the residence halls will be required to provide at least a 30-day notice. All students must submit a Vacate Form when vacating the residence halls at any time during the academic year. After the beginning of the fee period, students that vacate will be charged a $200 cancellation fee, and be charged a 30 day penalty for each day less that the 30 days' notice that is required. See the "License Cancellations/Revocations and Refund Policy" section of the Housing License for further clarification. Thirty days or less prior to the end of the fee period for each semester, accounts will not be adjusted.
Housing Appeals
The purpose of the Housing Appeals process is to provide students with an unbiased review of their dispute of housing and/or meal plan charges, requirements, or policies. The Housing Appeals Committee will review submitted appeals for any housing and/or meal plan related financial charges, requirements, or policies according to this process.
What you need to know about the housing appeals process:
- Submitting a Housing Appeal does not mean your appeal will be granted.
- Housing appeals are reviewed weekly. We make every effort to review them as quickly as possible, but do not guarantee that you will receive a decision immediately. Assuming all documentation is in order, it is our goal to complete appeal reviews by no more than 7 days after submission. Additionally, times that the university is closed or on break may also delay this process.
- Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed. Failure to provide adequate rationale and supporting documentation may result in the delay of your request being considered or denial of your appeal. Supporting documentation is required. Examples of supporting documentation are financial documentation, letters of support, transcript information, and/or legal notifications.
- All terms, conditions, and related fees in the housing license must be followed until the committee has sent you a written approval for your appeal.
- The appeal must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the specified charge being posted to the student's account.
The appeals process is NOT for the following:
- Room Changes
- Community Standard Concerns
- Requests for Emotional Support Animals
- Damage Charge Appeals
- Setting up Payment Plans or requesting payment extensions
These all have other forms or processes to complete and are not to be submitted as a Housing Appeal. Please email for assistance with these issues.
How to submit an appeal:
- Go to the myHousing portal. The Appeals Form can be found under Forms.
- Complete the form and provide a detailed explanation as to the reason for your appeal.
- Upload any necessary documentation that you feel will best support your request. This may include financial documentation, letters of support, transcript information, and/or legal notifications.
- After the committee meets and makes a decision, you will be notified by email of the committee’s decision.
Fees not eligible for refund:
- Housing Application Fee
- Installment Plan Service Charge
- Credit Card Service Fees
- Occupancy Fees (Students will not be refunded room or meal plan charges for nights they or their belongings occupied the space).
Provide Supporting Documentation
Every Appeal must be accompanied supporting documentation. While the supporting documentation listed below are the minimum requirements for the submission and consideration of an Appeal, it is required that additional information outlining the significant and unforeseen change of circumstances is provided to the Appeals Committee.
For every appeal that is submitted, the Appeals Committee looks at the documents presented to them and tries to answer the question, "What was the extraordinary cause, or serious, compelling and unforeseen medical or financial circumstance that the Licensee has encountered since the License Agreement was signed that prevents them from fulfilling their contractual obligations as outlined in the agreed-to terms and conditions of their License Agreement.” Therefore, it is often best to provide ‘too much’ dated documented evidence rather than ‘too little’. All appeals documentation is kept strictly confidential.
The Appeals Committee cannot inform you what to provide as each situation is individual. The Appeals Committee will have no knowledge of your situation other than the information you provide. Submitting factual documentation and detailed timelines in relation to the License Agreement may be helpful to the committee and explaining your situation in requesting an appeal. The Appeals Committee makes recommendations to the Director for review.
Medical Hardship Appeals
Appeals for medical hardship are to be approved only if the Appeals Committee decides that the medical situation cannot be supported at an alternate location in campus housing. If the Appeals Committee determines that a vacancy exists on campus that adequately addresses or mitigates the condition, a room change will be arranged, and the appeal will be denied. If the Committee is unable to determine that a significant and unforeseen/unavoidable change in medical circumstance has occurred, the appeal will likely be denied.
If your medical appeal is disability-related, you must register your disability with the University by contacting the Campus Disability Resource Center (CDRC). Medical appeals require written documentation from a physician or licensed mental health counselor (may not be a relative of the Licensee) confirming the medical situation as described in the appeal. This documentation should clearly state the type of accommodations that would assist in mitigating the condition (such as no carpet, no curtains, etc.) and should be on letterhead with the physician's signature and contact information.
Types of medical documented evidence that may strengthen an appeal includes, but is not limited to:
- Medical recommendation from physician's office on letterhead.
- Other documented evidence that shows a clear change in condition since signing the License Agreement that affects the Licensee's ability to live on campus.
Financial Hardship Appeals
To appeal on grounds of financial hardship, Licensees must provide additional written documentation to support the claim of a significant and unforeseen/unavoidable change in financial circumstance that prohibits them from fulfilling their License Agreement obligations. Evidence of an alternate, less expensive housing arrangement does not qualify for a successful appeal and release from the License Agreement. Failure to maintain grade point averages, causing a loss of financial aid does not constitute a successful appeal.
If the Appeals Committee is unable to determine that a serious, compelling, and unforeseen financial circumstance occurred, the appeal will likely be denied.
Types of financial documented evidence that may strengthen an appeal includes, but is not limited to:
- Checking account statements before and after the significant change of circumstance.
- Dated proof of unemployment or loss of employment on letterhead and signed by previous employer.
- Official Financial Aid statements.
- Other documented evidence that shows a clear change in financial circumstance that occurred since signing the License Agreement.
Please see the License Agreement, under "Cancellations/Revocations and Refund Policy" for a more detailed explanation of the notice requirements and penalties involved.
Please contact with any inquiries regarding the appeals process.