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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Student Parking

Buying a Permit

Permits will be available for purchase beginning Monday, December 16, 2024, at the Cashier's Office in the Students Business Service Building or online.

Permits may be purchased online through the Student Center or at the Cashier's Office on the second floor of the Student & Business Services building Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m.  For instructions on how to purchase available items through the Student Center, please visit our How to Make a Payment page.

Daily permits may be purchased at dispensers in various locations in or near the parking lots, or via the Passport app. For more information on dispenser locations, see the campus map.

Parking is extremely limited and the purchase of a permit does not guarantee you a parking location, therefore we encourage alternate forms of transportation.

All regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, every day of the year. This includes Service & Yellow Loading Zones, Disabled & Reserved stalls, Fire Lanes, and EV Charging Stations.

General Fall & Spring$315.00
General Semester$157.50
General Summer Weekly$17.50
General Evening Semester$58.00
General Summer Session$105.00
General Evening Summer Session$39.00
General Motorcycle Semester$40.00
General Evening Motorcycle Summer Session$26.50
Metered Parking$.75/hour


Parking Fee Refund

Refunds are prorated based on the number of calendar days for which the permit is valid in accordance with the following schedule:

Time LimitPercent of Fees Refunded
Fall Permits (August 1 - December 31) 
By July 31100%
August 1 - September 775%
September 8 - October 1650%
October 17 - November 2325%
November 24th or later
Spring (January 1 - May 31) 
By December 31100%
January 1 - February 775%
February 8 - March 1750%
March 18 - April 2425%
April 25th or later0%
Year (August 1 - May 31)PERCENT OF FEES REFUNDED
 By July 31st100%
 August 1st - September 7th 87.5%
 September 8th - October 16th75%
October 17th - November 23rd62.5%
 November 24th - December 31st50%
January 1st - February 7th37.5%
February 8th to March 17th25%
March 18th to April 24th12.5%
April 25th or later0%

*Refunds are not provided for daily permits.