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Goals, Outcomes & Objectives

Transportation & Parking Services supports the University’s strategic plan by adopting outcomes and objectives associated with University goals. This format is utilized to ensure that programs, services, and initiatives undertaken are in alignment with University priorities, are strategic in nature and focused on achieving desired outcomes. The approach ensures clear guidance for those actually carrying out the specific assignments associated with fulfilling long-range plans and visions. It allows our broad University priorities to be translated into a tactical set of accomplishable tasks that relate to and build upon one another. It provides an effective way to translate our strategic vision into operational activities focused on a broader level of achievement.

The University’s 2015- 2020 Strategic Plan set forth four overarching goals which have been identified as broad priorities which the University must work toward successfully accomplishing. As noted in the Strategic Plan, by focusing on these four goals, the University will improve its ability to fulfill our ultimate mission to educate all of our students. The Strategic Plan goals are included below with outcomes and specific objectives associated with Transportation & Parking Services listed below.

Recommended outcomes, in support of the goals expressed in the University’s Strategic Plan, are outlined below with objectives listed as well. Outcomes are those recommended for the five-year period encompassed by our adopted Business Plan. Objectives listed are to be achieved within a two-year period but are evaluated annually to assess progress as well as determine if changes are required to ensure the outcome is achieved. The outcomes and objectives adopted by Transportation & Parking Services are as follows:

Goal 1: Prepare students to be socially and environmentally responsible leaders in a diverse and globalized world.

·         Outcome: Increase usage of alternative transportation methods by students, faculty, and staff.

o   Objective: Implement a comprehensive update of the Parking & Commuter Services website.

o   Objective: Implement facility improvements to support the additional use of alternative transportation services.

·         Outcome: Increase student engagement in the development of alternative transportation programs.

o   Objective: Establish a social media presence.

o   Objective: Develop and implement a marketing plan.

o   Objective: Partner with academic programs to engage students in the planning and design of alternate transportation infrastructure improvements.

Goal 2: Foster meaningful relationships across differences, including diverse cultural communities, identities, and competencies.

·         Outcome: Increase awareness of Parking & Commuter Services program offerings.

o   Objective: Implement an updated website.

o   Objective: Publish Transportation & Parking Services Committee agendas/minutes.

o   Objective: Adopt and publish updated policies, regulations, standards, and procedures.

Goal 3: Strengthen partnerships with local communities.

·         Outcome: Increase availability of public transit services for the campus community.

o   Objective: Negotiate additional routes and more appropriate schedules for existing transportation service contracts.

o   Objective: Develop on campus shuttle service program.

Goal 4: Serve as effective stewards of the natural and built environment and the University’s financial resources with a focus on sustainability.

·         Outcome: Increase awareness of the carbon emissions associated with transportation choices.

o   Objective: Develop and publish an annual report that includes information concerning carbon emissions associated with Transportation & Parking Services programs.

·         Outcome: Increase cost efficiency in the successful delivery of Transportation & Parking Services programs to the campus community.

o   Objective: Update the Business Plan & Five Year Financial Plan annually.

o   Objective: Implement an improved parking management software solution that includes smart parking and permit features.

·         Outcome: Increase the number of and participation in alternative transportation programs.

o   Objective: Implement a carpool program.

o   Objective: Aggressively market existing JackPass, ZipCar, and Zimride programs.

·         Outcome: Increase investment in maintenance and improvements to existing facilities.

o   Objective: Develop formal parking facility maintenance plan.

o   Objective: Implement capital renewal plan to ensure current facilities are properly maintained and/or improved and that layout maximizes efficiency.

o   Objective: Conduct Parking & Commuter Services market and feasibility study to support long-range capital outlay plan.

o   Objective: Implement major capital projects designed to expand facilities.