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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Visitor Parking

Welcome to Cal Poly Humboldt. To assist you with having a pleasant visit, Transportation & Parking Services wishes to share some tips for parking on campus. Campus parking facilities are not supported by taxpayer dollars but are self-supporting. California state law states that permission to park on campus is granted to those persons who have paid a parking fee. This includes students, staff, faculty, and university visitors who are attending special events, such as cultural shows, musical/theatrical performances, sporting events, and conferences, or visiting facilities like the Library, Bookstore, or Gym.

Parking is extremely limited and the purchase of a permit does not guarantee you a parking location, therefore we encourage alternate forms of transportation.

Regulated Parking Hours

All CVC regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, every day of the year.  This includes Service & Yellow Loading Zones, Disabled & Reserved stalls, Fire Lanes, and EV Charging stations.

On Campus

Parking meters and parking fees must be paid Monday-Thursday 7:00 am - 10:00 pm and Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, every week (52 weeks) of the year. Parking fees are not required on Fridays after 5:00 pm or on Saturdays and Sundays.

The Campus Store - Downtown Arcata

Parking fees must be paid 7 days a week, 7:00 am - 10:00 pm, or a valid Cal Poly Humboldt semester or annual parking decal only must be displayed every week (52 weeks) of the year.

Stewart School - Arcata

Parking fees must be paid 7 days a week, 7:00 am - 10:00 pm, or a valid Cal Poly Humboldt semester or annual parking decal only must be displayed every week (52 weeks) of the year.

Permit Options

Daily parking permits may be purchased for $3.50 with a credit/debit card from one of the parking permit dispensers located throughout the campus, with cash or a credit/debit card at the Parking Kiosk on Rossow Street, or via the Passport app. This permit must be displayed on the dash of the vehicle and is valid in General lots only. It is not valid at a parking meter.

Visitors and guests may utilize 10-hour parking meters on Rossow and B Streets for $.75 per hour. Short-term meters are also on Mill Street, Plaza Avenue, Harpst Street, and in the Library Lot.

Daily General permits and parking meter fees can be paid via the Passport app.

*Refunds are not provided for daily permits.

ADA Parking

ADA parking stalls are located around campus, to provide access for individuals possessing a disabled person placard or license plates and a purchased daily permit, as stated above. A vehicle displaying a disabled person's placard or license plate may park for unlimited periods at a parking meter without paying the meter.

The authority to charge a fee for disabled individuals' use of parking facilities is defined in the California Education Code, section 67301; the California Vehicle Code, section 21113; and Title 5 of the California Administrative Code. Transportation and Parking Services can assist disabled individuals who are unable to access parking permit pay stations.

Motorcycles or Mopeds

Parking is allowed for two-wheeled and three-wheeled motor vehicles in identified motorcycle parking zones only provided said vehicles display a valid permit. Zones are designated by white striping with the wording “MOTORCYCLES ONLY” stenciled in white or posted by a sign with the wording “MOTORCYCLES ONLY”. Two and three-wheeled motor vehicles are only permitted to circulate within the campus on paved motor vehicle roadways and are not allowed in quads or on sidewalks or pathways. 


Parking Meters

ADA Parking Stalls and Access 

Motorcycle Parking

Parking Permit Dispensers