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Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students.

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Steve Railsback, Matt Johnson


Drs. Steve Railsback (Mathematics) and Matt Johnson (Wildlife) collaborated on a paper recently accepted for publication in the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences." The paper presents a mathematical model on the controversial trade-off between allocating land for crop production versus conservation of biodiversity. Their model shows that, for coffee farmers, growing trees to attract birds not only benefits biodiversity, it also boosts net crop production because birds help control insect pests. The paper will be published next week.


Dr. Kamila Larripa and students


Nine HSU mathematics students participated in the Consortium for Math and its Applications' (COMAP) annual international math modeling contest Feb. 10. The contest challenges teams of college students to clarify, analyze, and propose solutions to open-ended problems. The HSU students who participated were: Miriam Garai, Michael Malocha, Marika Leitner, Tyler Mobray, Andrew Harter, Molly Shea, Stephanie Corah, Eric Stuck and Paul Mullan. The students came from a variety of math backgrounds, including those who had just completed Calculus to upper division math and physics students. Contest results are available in April.


Dept. of Mathematics Students


The Department of Mathematics recently named several scholarship recipients for the 2012-13 academic year. They are:

Mathematics students Natalya Jackson and Wilson Jarrell; winners of the Harry S. Kieval Scholarship, awarded to junior-level students.

Melanie Kaitlyn Weaver; winner of the Mathematics Department's Harry S. Kieval Transfer Scholarship for outstanding performance in college level courses at a two year college in preparation for a mathematics major.

Kyle Steslicki; winner of both the Orval M. Klose Scholarship and the Robert S. Chambers Scholarship for full-time undergraduate mathematics majors.

Anne Adams and Elizabeth Bell; winners of the Travis Jepsen Memorial Scholarship for full-time mathematics majors.

Austin LaComb; winner of the Michael Tucker Scholarship for outstanding junior or senior mathematics major, and

Valerie Yellam; winner of the awarded the Elmo Moore Memorial Mathematics Scholarship for mathematics or mathematics education majors.


Joshua Peterson


Joshua Peterson received the Mathematics Department Outstanding Teaching Award for AY 2012-13 for teaching lower division courses while completing his master's degree.


Roland Lamberson


Rollie Lamberson, emeritus professor of mathematics, is one of several co-authors of the paper, “Developing a Broader Scientific Foundation for River Restoration: Columbia River Food Webs, published in the _Proceedings of the National Academy of Science_. He is also author of "A Brief and Biased Look at Spatial Structure in Ecological Models: A Route to Individual-based Models," which recently appeared in _Natural Resource Modeling_. And, in January he will be giving an invited address, "Sustainability and the Crisis in World Fisheries," at the annual joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.


Ethan Gahtan, Bori Mazzag, Joshua Peterson, Michael Stobb


Graduate students Joshua Peterson and Michael Stobb with faculty members Ethan Gahtan and Bori Mazzag published a paper on a graph theoretical model for the posterior lateral line sensorimotor pathway of a zebrafish in PLoS ONE. To the authors' knowledge, it constitutes the largest and most complete identified neuron connectome model described in any vertebrate.