GE Math & Enrollment Categories
As a Humboldt student, you need to take one of four GE courses. But which should you take? That depends on your readiness to take GE math at a university level.
Enrollment Categories
All incoming students are assigned a math enrollment category, which is based on your test scores, high school GPA, and high school coursework. Your category determines the math classes you can or should take. Your enrollment category is listed in your student center.
Category 1 - GE math fulfilled
Students are done with their Area B GE courses and should check with their academic advisor whether they are required to take more Mathematics for their major.
Note: STEM students may be able to avoid taking extra math classes if they have taken certain high school classes or take a placement test (see Math Placement & ALEKS PPL)
Category 2 - GE math ready
Students are ready for an Area B GE appropriate for their major.
Find out which GE Math course to take.
Note: STEM students may be able to avoid taking extra math classes if they have taken certain high school classes or take a placement test (see Math Placement & ALEKS PPL)
Category 3 - GE math ready - support optional
Students are generally advised to choose between regular and supported GE courses. Students will be able to access a directed-self placement (DSP) through their New Student Registration Tutorial. DSP helps students reflect on their confidence in Mathematics, as well as their study and time management skills to determine which course is more appropriate for them. Students in the STEM place-based learning communities will be placed into the supported courses to ensure success. Students who take the regular GE version of MATH 101 College Algebra or STAT 108 Elementary Statics are strongly encouraged to add the corresponding Supplemental Instruction (SI) courses.
Find out which GE Math course to take.
Note: Integrated support courses highly recommended.
Category 4 - GE math ready - support required
Students are required to take integrated supported GE courses.
Find out which GE Math course to take.
Which Courses Should You Take?
Find the course you need based on your major: Requirements by Major
Do you have questions?
If you need help finding your category or deciding which classes to take, please contact the Mathematics Department.