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Department of Mathematics

With the support of faculty and opportunities to apply your knowledge, you’ll learn how to conceptualize problems and develop the analytical skills to construct solutions. You'll also sharpen your ability to think logically, work with abstract concepts, and communicate effectively.

Mathematics is about conceptualizing and solving abstract problems. These skills are more crucial than ever in our continually changing and increasingly complex world.

Degree Options

The deparment of Mathematics offers two degree paths, a Mathematics bachelors and a Data Science bachelors.

Mathematics, B.A.

The curriculum is rigorous yet flexible to help you develop basic analytical skills and sharpen your ability to think logically, work with abstract ideas, and recognize patterns and structures. Whether through coursework or extracurricular activities, students learn to apply abstract mathematical concepts to real-life situations while building practical skills that will prepare them for graduate school and a variety of careers.

Prerequisite Flowcharts

Data Science, B.S.

Data scientists gather and investigate data and extract meaningful insights and hidden trends. They also use machine learning algorithms to build predictive models which have a wide range of applications, from TikTok recommendations to predicting the next COVID variant to surge. At Cal Poly Humboldt, we are particularly passionate about “Data for Good” and believe Data Science can help solve many challenges addressing our society from housing inequity to climate change.

Career Options

Mathematics students hone their ability to think critically, becoming thoughtful about what they state and what they prove. These skills are crucial, especially in a world of endless information and big data. Knowing how to analyze and solve problems prepares for a variety of fields, from accounting to zoology in public and private sectors.

Here are a few examples of what you can do with a Mathematics degree (some fields may require additional education):

  • Mathematician
  • Data analyst
  • Mathematics instructor or teacher
  • Business analyst
  • Financial analyst

Data science methodologies build skills and knowledge that are being applied to nearly every field in natural and social sciences and the humanities. The Data Science program provides a pathway for students to prepare for a growing number of data-rich professions. 

Here are a few examples of what you can do with a Data Science degree (some fields may require additional education):

  • Data Analyst
  • Data Manager
  • Data Analytics Project Manager
  • Risk Analytics
  • Data Researcher
  • Data Scientist

Humboldt math graduates also compete well for entrance to graduate schools and have pursued advanced degrees at more than 43 different universities. 

Humboldt is ranked first in the nation by the National Science Foundation among non-Ph.D. granting institutions for sending students on to doctoral programs and 5th among all universities in the nation.

Why our Math B.A. program stands out

Through a rigorous curriculum, students learn to conceptualize problems and explore the art and beauty of rational reasoning and discourse.

With the support of faculty and a variety of opportunities both in and out of the classroom, students will develop basic analytical skills and sharpen their ability to think logically, work with abstract ideas and recognize patterns and structures. Mathematics students at Cal Poly Humboldt find an active and supportive atmosphere that provides preparation for mathematics-related careers and mentorship for graduate studies. The department offers a variety of scholarships (need-based and merit-based) for mathematics majors at every level and including transfer students. Students have access to several campus computer labs including one dedicated to mathematical applications. 

Courses in calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, computer programming, analysis and statistics comprise the program’s core. 

The culminating experience is a semester-long Capstone course in which they delve deeply into a topic in contemporary mathematics. This might be a novel research project, or a deep dive into a topic not explicitly taught in the curriculum. The courses prior to the Capstone prepare our scholars for this independent and student-led project.

Mathematics, B.A. details

Your experience begins with the foundation of the department—our professors—who care about your success. They’re as passionate about mentoring as they are teaching. Because class sizes are small, professors will know you by name and can work with you one-on-one. With a wide variety of department activities such as Math Club, national and international mathematical contests, a lively speaker series and student research opportunities, we build strong relationships between faculty and students and among students in our program.

Get Involved

Our students are actively involved in their learning and can select extracurricular activities which match their interests and goals. Past examples include working with K-12 students and teachers in the local elementary and middle schools, working with the department's supercomputer to model nuclear fusion, or conducting novel research with a faculty member.  Recent examples of student research projects include building math models of the zebrafish brain, modeling the immune response to SARS-Co-V2, and building a recommender system to help incoming students choose a major.

Recent Project Example

Each year, teams of students participate in the international Mathematical Contest in Modeling which challenges teams to clarify, analyze, and propose solutions to open-ended problems. The contest is international in scope, drawing over seven thousand teams from around the world. The problems are timely, important, and open-ended. For example, past problems have been related to eradicating Ebola or analyzing political stability. Cal Poly Humboldt teams have received high honors in this competition. Groups of students and faculty are invited to attend the Whiskeytown Lake Mathematics Congress which combines a weekend of camping and rafting with mathematics and connects us with our sister CSUs in Northern California and schools in southern Oregon. Our department also supports peer tutoring and mentoring, which builds a strong student community. Students and faculty can work on problems in our research lounge.

It’s a question students often ask, which is why we’ve made career advising a cornerstone of our program and encourage them to start thinking about their future. Through advising, activities, and courses, we help students understand the versatility of a math degree and explore vast career options.

We focus on the job search process, as well by mindfully embedding career preparation activities throughout the courses, and partner with Humboldt's advising center to ensure students receive advice about career preparation and options after graduation.

Students leave our program with more than a degree. They are equipped to think critically and analytically, and can apply these skills to any domain. Our graduates have a track record of securing great employment, or gaining entrance in masters or doctorate programs in mathematics and related fields.

Learn more about our what our Alumni are doing.

Career Options

Why our Data Science B.A. program stands out

At Cal Poly Humboldt, we are particularly passionate about “Data for Good” and believe Data Science can help solve many challenges addressing our society from housing inequity to climate change.

Data scientists gather and investigate data and extract meaningful insights and hidden trends. They also use machine learning algorithms to build predictive models which have a wide range of applications, from TikTok recommendations to predicting the next COVID variant to surge.

Students will develop and practice skills in synthesizing knowledge and applying contemporary statistics, data analysis, and computational science methods to solve social and environmental problems.

Data Science, B.A. details

Coursework centers around hands-on, applied learning experiences, which include projects that are community-based. Students will analyze real case studies of ethics in data science relating to privacy issues and the biases that are often inherently built into data.  Courses are designed to help students build a portfolio of work and finished projects that they can show potential employers to demonstrate their career-readiness.


Each student will apply data tools to focus on and gain expertise in a discipline. For example, students may use data science  to examine biological questions in genomics and evolution, or to critically analyze crime patterns or address racial disparities in policing. 

Areas of Application

First-year, first-time students who major in Data Science, Mathematics, Computer Science and Software Engineering will be automatically enrolled in a specific place-based learning community, "Representing Realities."  This is a free year-long program of science and general education courses and activities focusing on math and computation.  Students develop strong peer relationships as well as relationships with faculty through this immersive program.

Representing Realities


Find out what our students, faculty, and staff are being recognized for.

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Kamila Larripa, Anca Radulescu


Kamila Larripa and collaborator Anca Radulescu had their paper accepted to the Journal of Theoretical Biology.  The paper is titled "A Mathematical Model of Microglia Glucose Metabolism and Lactylation with Positive Feedback" and links cellular metabolism with epigenetic modification.  This work was supported by the National Science Foundation.


Cheyenne Ty, Amanda Case, Emmanule Mezzulo, Abigail Penland (students) and Kamila Larripa (faculty)


Mathematics Cheyenne Ty, Amanda Case, Emmanuel Mezzulo, Abigail Penland, and Kamila Larripa had their research paper published in the Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics. The paper is called "An Agent-Based Model of Microglia and Neuron Interaction: Implications in Neurodegenerative Disease" and explores the role of a type of immune cell in the brain through modeling.


Kamila Larripa


Kamila Larripa and collaborators had their paper accepted to the Springer volume Advances in Data Science.  The article is titled "Randomized Iterative Methods for Tensor Regression Under the t-product" and sets forth novel methods to handle multimodal data.  This publication is the result of their collaborative work initiated at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics.

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