
Mathematics, B.A. | Class of
Jennifer Sorkin
Senior Software Engineer/Project Manager
Employer: Tecolote Research
Job description: I create a number of different statistical software tools which are used by analysts who provide cost analyses for the Department of Defense and NASA.
About Jennifer
Why did you choose this program?
I studied math at HSU because, I wanted to go onto a PhD program in mathematics. I was admitted to the graduate program at UC Santa Barbara where I elected to finish with a masters degree so that I could enter the work force.
How did this program prepare you for your job?
The job ad I answered specified a background in either Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering or Physics. I use logic every day in my work. Recently I've been doing a lot of database programming. I was pretty excited to learn that this is a direct application of Set Theory.
What did you enjoy most about the program?
I liked the small classes, and the direct interaction with my professors. I had the opportunity to take numerous courses beyond the required minimum, and I was well prepared for graduate study upon graduating from HSU.
What would you say to prospective students who are thinking about applying to this program?
Use computers. Learn programming. I can't imagine any post-Math degree career that wouldn't utilize these skills.