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Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students.

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Kamila Larripa, Anca Radulescu


Kamila Larripa and collaborator Anca Radulescu had their paper accepted to the Journal of Theoretical Biology.  The paper is titled "A Mathematical Model of Microglia Glucose Metabolism and Lactylation with Positive Feedback" and links cellular metabolism with epigenetic modification.  This work was supported by the National Science Foundation.


Cheyenne Ty, Amanda Case, Emmanule Mezzulo, Abigail Penland (students) and Kamila Larripa (faculty)


Mathematics Cheyenne Ty, Amanda Case, Emmanuel Mezzulo, Abigail Penland, and Kamila Larripa had their research paper published in the Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics. The paper is called "An Agent-Based Model of Microglia and Neuron Interaction: Implications in Neurodegenerative Disease" and explores the role of a type of immune cell in the brain through modeling.


Kamila Larripa


Kamila Larripa and collaborators had their paper accepted to the Springer volume Advances in Data Science.  The article is titled "Randomized Iterative Methods for Tensor Regression Under the t-product" and sets forth novel methods to handle multimodal data.  This publication is the result of their collaborative work initiated at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics.


Cheyenne Ty, Abigail Penland, Kamila Larripa


Students Cheyenne Ty and Abigail Fenland presented a research poster at the American Physical Society Far West Conference.  The poster summarized their math model of immune cell and neuron interaction in neurodegenerative diseases. They were advised by Kamila Larripa.


Cheyenne Ty, Amanda Case, Emmanule Mezzulo, Abigail Penland (students) and Kamila Larripa (faculty)


Cheyenne Ty, Amanda Case, Emmanuel Mezzulo, Abigail Penland, and Kamila Larripa had their paper accepted for publication in the Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics. The paper is called "An Agent-Based Model of Microglia and Neuron Interaction: Implications in Neurodegenerative Disease" and explores the role of a type of immune cell in the brain through modeling.


Chris Dugaw


Professor Chris Dugaw updated and published a new edition of the text Laboratories in Mathematical Experimentation: A Bridge to Higher Mathematics, which is used in Cal Poly Humboldt's Mathematical Experimentation and Proof course. This text is composed of a set of sixteen laboratory investigations which allow the student to explore rich and diverse ideas and concepts in mathematics.  With the help and support of the original authors at Mt Holyoke and colleagues at University of Texas, El Paso he modernized it to use contemporary computer software. The text is freely available from The Press at Cal Poly Humboldt here.    


Tyler Evans, Alice Fialowski and Yong Yang


Dr. Tyler Evans has published a new paper in collaboration with Professor Alice Fialowski (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary) and her (former) Ph.D. student Professor Yong Yang (Xinjiang University, China). The paper, titled 'On the Cohomology of Restricted Heisenberg Lie Algebras,' appeared in Linear Algebra and its Applications in July, 2024. The authors classify all possible restricted Lie algebra structures on modular Heisenberg Lie algebras and explicitly describe the 1- and 2-restricted cohomology spaces. The full text of the article is available at no cost until September 3, 2024 at


Peter Goetz


Dr. Peter Goetz gave an invited talk titled "Frobenius Extensions in Noncommutative Invariant Theory" in the AMS Special Session on Homological Techniques in Noncommutative Algebra at the Joint Mathematics Meeting on January 3, 2024. The JMM is one of the largest international meetings of mathematicians with approximately 6000 attendees. Dr. Goetz reported on his new theorem: all dual reflection groups afford examples of (twisted) Frobenius extensions. Dr. Goetz also presented his work on the relationship between Artin-Schelter regular and Artin-Schelter Gorenstein algebras and Frobenius extensions, and examples of Frobenius extensions arising from noncommutative and noncocommutative Hopf algebra actions.


Kamila Larripa


Kamila Larripa was selected to participate in the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute's Summer Research in Mathematics Program.  She will work with collaborators on developing data-driven modeling approaches to investigate the impact of human behavior on epidemic dynamics for outbreaks such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


Kamila Larripa


Kamila Larripa and collaborators published an article in the Journal of Theoretical Biology entitled Macrophage phenotype transitions in a stochastic gene-regulatory network model.  The study classifies cell phenotypes using a spectral clustering algorithm and quantifies transitions between phenotypes using transition path theory.