Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students.
Karlie Elliott
2016 Michael Tucker Memorial Scholarship
This year's Michael Tucker Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Karlie Elliott. The scholarship honors the late son of Marilyn and HSU Mathematics Professor Emeritus, Roy Tucker.
Paul George, Gabriela Martinez, Robert Toledo III
2016 Travis Jepsen Memorial Scholarship
This year's Travis Jepsen Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Paul George, Gabriela Martinez and Robert Toledo, III.
Leah Eakes, Erik Knutsen
2016 Kieval Transfer Scholarship
This year's Kieval Transfer Scholarship has been awarded to Leah Eakes and Erik Knutsen, both transfer students from College of the Redwoods. This scholarship is for outstanding mathematical performance at a two-year college in preparation for transfer to HSU.
Jeremy Johnson, Molly Severdia
2016 Kieval Scholarships Awarded
This year's awardees are Jeremy Johnson and Molly Severdia. This scholarship was established in 1983 by the late Harry Kieval, HSU Mathematics Professor Emeritus. This is awarded to outstanding seniors-to-be mathematics majors.
Alden Bradley, Caleb Hill, Cameron Trujillo, Leo Munoz, Karlie Elliott, Matthew Hall, Kamila Larripa
Mathematics Students Participate in COMAP. Student teams of Alden Bradley, Caleb Hill, Cameron Trujillo, Leo Munoz, Karlie Elliott and Matthew Hall, with faculty advisor, Kamila Larripa received a designation of Successful Participant in the 2016 Mathematical Contest in Modeling administered by the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP). It challenges teams of students to clarify, analyze, and propose solutions to open-ended problems. The contest attracts diverse students and faculty advisors from over 900 institutions around the world.
Charlotte Olsen, Gabriela Martinez, Jeremy Johnson, Kamila Larripa
Student team of Charlotte Olsen, Gabriela Martinez, and Jeremy Johnson, with faculty advisor, Kamila Larripa received an Honorable Mention in the 2016 Mathematical Contest in Modeling administered by the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP). It challenges teams of students to clarify, analyze, and propose solutions to open-ended problems. The contest attracts diverse students and faculty advisors from over 900 institutions around the world.
Rollie Lamberson
At their recent meeting in Bordeaux, France, the Resource Modeling Association (RMA) announced the creation of a new research award, the Rollie Lamberson Research Prize, named for HSU mathematics professor emeritus Rollie Lamberson.
The disctinction will be awarded annually to the RMA member publishing the most significant research work in the previous two years. The RMA is composed of a group of scientists involved in resource management, environmental science, ecology, natural resources, statistics, and mathematics.
Rollie was the founder and first president of the RMA. At HSU he also coordinated the Environmental Systems program.
Camille Skweir
Math student Camille Skweir won the National Disc Golf Championship in Augusta, Georgia on April 17th. For more, visit
Peter Goetz
Peter Goetz, associate professor of Mathematics, and Andrew Conner, assistant professor of Mathematics at Saint Mary's College of California, have published a paper titled "Some non-Koszul algebras from rational homotopy theory" in The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, an international mathematical research journal.
Kamila Larripa, Miriam Garai, Michael Malocha, Marika Leitner, Tyler Mobray, Andrew Harter, Molly Shea, Stephanie Corah, Eric Stuck, Paul Mullan
Three HSU student teams advised by Kamila Larripa were honored for their performance in the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications Annual Mathematical Contest in Modeling.
More information can be found here: