FLC on Academic Integrity
Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on Fostering a Culture of Integrity and Learning: Why Does Cheating Happen and What Can We Do About it?
- Jose Marin Jarrin, Fisheries Biology
- Julie Alderson, Art
As with many institutions nationally, Humboldt has seen an increase in issues around academic honesty over the last year. In this FLC, we will dig deeply into this topic - Why do students cheat? How can we create a campus culture that reinforces our commitment to academic honesty? What classroom structures can we deploy that will help prevent it? This learning community will explore, curate, and/or develop resources that can be used across campus in our ongoing efforts to strengthen academic honesty at Humboldt.
The FLC met virtually five times during Spring 2021:
- 90-minute sessions
- March 10, March 24, April 7, April 21, and May 5
- Wednesdays 9:00-10:30 am
Participant Commitments:
- Participate in five live sessions
- Read Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty (Lang, 2013) (free ebook link will be provided)