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Cathy Sandeen


Cathy Sandeen (Speech, ‘76) has been selected chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Colleges and UW-Extension.

The move is another in Sandeen’s already esteemed service to education. She most recently was vice president for education, attainment and innovation at the American Council on Education, and has also served as an administrator on three public campuses in California.

The HSU alumna was dean of continuing education at UCLA Extension from 2006-2012, and worked as vice provost and dean of university extension and summer session at UC Santa Cruz for six years. Sandeen also held leadership positions at UC San Francisco.


Maxwell Schnurer and Mary Sue Savage


Professor Maxwell Schnurer, Chair of the Dept. of Communication, and Mary Sue Savage, prevention coordinator and co-founder of the Check It! program, are among those honored by the Humboldt County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The awards recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the prevention of domestic violence.

Schnurer and Savage will be honored at the Humboldt Area Foundation at noon on Wednesday, Oct. 29. The event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be served.

The Humboldt County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council is a partnership of public and private agencies and individuals who are committed to a constant and coordinated county-wide response to domestic violence.

To learn more about HSU’s Check It! program, visit


Michael Bruner, Laura Hahn, Nicole Sheldon


Communication Professors Michael Bruner and Laura Hahn and alumna Nicole Sheldon have published their essay, "Unhappy with your Food? Communicate!" in Vol. 9 Issue 5 of Communication Currents.

The essay is translated from the scholarly article: Bruner, M., Hahn, L., & Sheldon, N. (2014). _The petition clause and food advocacy. First Amendment Studies, 48, 61-76._

The essay is available "online at the National Communication Association website":


Dr. Michael S. Bruner


Communication Professor Michael S. Bruner has been appointed to the Editorial Board of the journal, "Argumentation and Advocacy." Bruner joins a group of scholars from across the nation in support of one of the leading communication journals on advocacy, argumentation, debate, public discourse, and public deliberation.


Armeda Reitzel


Dr. Armeda Reitzel, professor of Communication, will present her paper "Connections in the Co-creation of Identity in Internationally Adopted Youth" at the International Communication Association conference in Seattle, WA May 22-26, 2014. This paper combines Dr. Reitzel's research areas of intercultural communication and adolescent communication.


James Floss


Communication Lecturer James Floss brought the acclaimed novella "Fup" by Jim Dodge to stage in a word-for-word production over the last two weekends. The current Book of the Year adaptation featured alumni of the Chamber Readers and was presented in classic readers theatre style.


Armeda Reitzel


Armeda Reitzel, professor of Communication, presented her paper on "The colorful trends of tie-dye as fashion, subcultural artifact, and metaphor" at the Popular Culture Association Conference in Chicago, IL on April 18, 2014. Her paper was part of a panel session on "Fashion, Style, Appearance, Consumption and Design I: Global Subcultural Style."


Michael S. Bruner, Laura K. Hahn, Nicole B. Sheldon


Michael S. Bruner, Laura K. Hahn and Nicole B. Sheldon had their essay, “The Petition Clause and Food Advocacy" published in First Amendment Studies, Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2014): 61-76. The essay explores California Proposition 37 (for labeling GM food), presents a model of "petition" and breaks new ground by expanding First Amendment studies beyond "freedom of speech."


Laura Hahn & Michael Bruner


Communication Professors Dr. Laura Hahn and Dr. Michael Bruner published the lead article in Teaching Media Quarterly (Winter 2014). The article, "Film Food and Finances: Students Engaging in Food Insecurity," presents a pedagogical strategy situated at the nexus of food media and students’ personal engagement with food security, food insecurity and food landscapes in the U.S.


Tiffany Longcor and Kayla Trotter


Tiffany Longcor and Kayla Trotter, senior Communication majors, helped to conduct a survey of visitors at The Morris Graves Museum of Art during ARTS ALIVE! on March 1, 2014. The research project, directed by Dr. Michael Bruner, explored the organization-community relationship and will provide potentially useful information to the Museum. This project is an example of the College's support of undergraduate research and commitment to the arts.