Find out what our students, faculty, and staff are being recognized for.
Brittany Stuckey, Anna Barker, Karissa Valine
Brittany Stuckey, Communications and Art double major, won a Tom Knight Award in the Art Graduates 2016 exhibition for her digital print, "The Mythos of Memory: Tracy." Ms. Stuckey also designed the ideaFest 2016 posters for December Comm. graduates, Anna Malia G. Barker ("A Preliminary Network Analysis...Food Issues") and Karissa Valine ("The Feminist Pedestal: Ronda Rousey and the Representation of Female Athletes").
Armeda Reitzel
Armeda Reitzel has been selected as the subject area chair for Midwestern Culture for the Midwest Popular Culture Association. She will serve as subject area chair from 2016 through 2018.
Joshua Frye and Craig Engstrom
Dr. Joshua Frye, Associate Professor of Communication, and his co-author Dr. Craig Engstrom, Assistant Professor of Communication at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, have published a textbook, entitled "Qualitative Communication Consulting: Stories and Lessons from the Field." The book includes 15 original narrative essays with each telling a story that captures the rewards and challenges of consulting through qualitative lenses. The book offers eclectic perspectives from communication faculty working in various regions of the country and with diverse types of clients and organizations.
Joseph Chatham, Rory Eschenbach, Tania Meijia, and Dr. Armeda Reitzel
Dr. Armeda Reitzel and three Communication majors - Joseph Chatham, Rory Eschenbach, and Tania Meijia - presented their academic papers at the Popular Culture Association Conference in Seattle, WA March 22-25, 2016. The papers were:
Joseph Chatham: A global village complete with global gamers; Rory Eschenbach: Riot Boys: Gendering space in League of Legends;
Tania Mejia: Yoga marketing; Dr. Armeda Reitzel: Power, privilege, and popularity all tied up--in the necktie!
Joshua Frye
Joshua Frye, Associate Professor of Communication, recently published a peer-reviewed academic journal article in the "Journal of Social Justice." The article, entitled, “Re-conceptualizing the Global Fair Trade Movement” examines the fair trade movement using structuration theory and inductive rhetorical analysis. The essay argues that the global fair trade movement is unique in the pursuit of sustainability and social justice within the food system. As such, it reveals communication reflexivity as potentially a collective process of transformation and is reshaping the values and conditions for labor equity and environmental sustainability through a new market paradigm of partnership.
Michael S. Bruner
Michael S. Bruner, Professor, Department of Communication, had his book review of "WORD OF MOUTH: What We Talk About When We Talk About Food," by sociologist Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson, published in "Food, Culture, and Society," online 18 February 2016.
Hunter Fine
Published a chapter in a book titled “Postmodern Theory and Hip-Hop Cultural Discourse.” Ed. Kathleen Roberts. Communication Theory and Millennial Popular Culture: Essays and Applications. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2016.
Armeda Reitzel
The National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) will be conducting their fourth Assignment Charrette on Saturday, February 20, 2016 in New Orleans, La. Dr. Armeda Reitzel is one of the faculty members selected to participate in this event. She will engage in a collaborative assignment-design process with 40 or so faculty members chosen from across the country and from a myriad of disciplines.
Laura K. Hahn
Laura K. Hahn presented her research project, "Culinary Immigration through the Streets of New York: The Immigrant Narrative on New York City Food Tours" at the the International Conference on Food Design. This research was sponsored by the the CSU Chancellor’s Office Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities (RSCA) program.
Michael S. Bruner, Brittany Stuckey
Michael S. Bruner, Professor, Communication, and Brittany N. Stuckey, 2014 CAHSS Research Fellow, published their article, "The World Will Little Note: Vice President Joe Biden's 2012 Speech at the Flight 93 National Memorial," in the Pennsylvania Communication Annual (Vol. 71, 2015). The article is dedicated to Richard Guadagno, former Refuge Manager at the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge, who died on Flight 93.