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Michal S. Bruner, Laura K.Hahn, Nicole B. Sheldon


Communication professors Michael Bruner, Laura Hahn and student Nicole Sheldon authored "The Petition Cause and Food Advocacy." The essay will be published in the journal, "First Amendment Studies."


Armeda Reitzel


Armeda Reitzel, Professor of Communication, has been chosen to participate in the National Communication Association's Student Learning Outcomes in Communication Project. The goals of the project are to productively support curriculum planning and improvement within the Communication discipline, and to help position Communication centrally in institutions’ general education curriculum development efforts. The project is funded by a grant that the National Communication Association received from the Lumina Foundation.


Dr. Michael S. Bruner


Dr. Michael S. Bruner, Professor in the Department of Communication, is lead author of a book chapter entitled, "An Evolving Worldview: Culture-Shift in University Students," published in Jim Norwine (Ed.), "A World After Climate Change and Culture Shift," pp. 43-66 (Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, & New York: Springer, 2014).


Dr. Hunter H. Fine


Dr. Hunter H. Fine, a lecturer in the Department of Communication, has published a 20-page essay and 6-minute video on: “The Skateboard Dérive: A Poststructuralist Performance of Everyday Urban Motility.” The study appeared in _Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies_, Vol. 9, No. 3, June 2013. “Dérive” has been defined by Guy Debord as “a movement toward a new way of inhabiting space.”


Nicole Sheldon, Hayley Connors-Keith, Michael S. Bruner, Laura Hahn


Communication majors Nicole Sheldon and Hayley Connors-Keith contributed to a conference paper, "Prop 37 and the Debate Over 'Natural' Foodways," presented at the "Traditions and Transformations: Interdisciplinary Food Studies Conference" at CSU Fullerton, April 19-21, 2013. Sheldon was a presenter and one of the authors, along with Communication professors Michael Bruner and Laura Hahn. Connors-Keith created the graphics and the slides for the presentation. This project illustrates how faculty and undergraduate students can collaborate on research and is part of the wide range of work on Food Studies being carried out in the College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences.


Dr. Michael S. Bruner


Communication Professor Michael S. Bruner's book review of "White Kids: Language, Race, and Styles of Youth Identity" appears in the March 2013 issue of the Journal of Language and Social Psychology (Vol. 32, No. 1). The review grew out of Bruner's research as a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley in Fall 2010, and is part of the Communication Department's critical studies on language and identity.


Michael S. Bruner, Maxwell Schnurer and Laura Hahn


Food Studies at HSU

Routledge, one of the leading academic presses, has published a book on food studies, co-edited by Professor Michael S. Bruner from the HSU Department of Communication:

"The Rhetoric of Food: Discourse, Materiality, and Power" edited by Joshua Frye and Michael S. Bruner New York and London: Routledge, May, 2012, ISBN 13: 978-0-415-50071-5 (hbk)

The book begins with a Foreword by Raymie McKerrow, the Editor of The Quarterly Journal of Speech, and contains fifteen chapters on all aspects of food studies, including a reprint of an historic chapter by Sir Albert Howard, the founder of the organic movement. Other chapters address diverse issues, including images designed to raise money to fight hunger, community gardens, the slow food movement, Michelle Obama's "Let's Move," and cannibalism.

In addition to Dr. Bruner, two other HSU professors are involved in this book project. Dr. Maxwell Schnurer has a chapter in the book on "greenwashing" and farm subsidies. Dr. Laura Hahn has a chapter in the book, comparing the organic movement to the vegetarian/vegan movement.

The book should be useful to HSU readers who are interested in Communication, food studies, Environment and Community, media influence, social movements, and related areas.


Michael S. Bruner


Michael S. Bruner, Professor, HSU Department of Communication, received word from Delta State University in Nigeria that his article, “News Framing in the United States of the Violence in Jos, Nigeria,” appears in the Volume 4, Number 1 (April 2012) issue of the Journal of Communication and Media Research.

Bruner’s analysis compares news framing, especially culturally-embedded frames, in The New York Times and The Washington Post with news framing in several Nigerian newspapers. This study is part of the ongoing work in HSU’s Department of Communication on international and interculural communication.

Student Club

HSU Speech and Debate Team


The HSU Speech and Debate Team was named the 2011-2012 Northwest Forensics Conference Division II Debate Sweepstakes Champion. The team was also named the 2011-2012 Northwest Forensics Conference Sweepstakes Bronze Medal Program.


Ashley Randall and Hoshimi Tominari


Ashley Randall and Hoshimi Tominari presented original research at the Bay Area Undergraduate Communication Research Conference held at Santa Clara University on April 21. Ashley presented "'Pumps vs. Pants': The Construction of Gender in 'The Real L Word' " a feminist criticism of the television show "The Real L Word." Hoshimi presented an ideological criticism of the Japanese fashion magazine "Vivi" entitled "We Are Barbie Girls, In the Japanese World."