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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Deaf & Hard of Hearing


Cal Poly Humboldt's Campus Disability Resource Center (CDRC) coordinates and provides interpreting and captioning services for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (Deaf/HH) and registered with the CDRC. 

Students who wish to use interpreting or captioning services must provide documentation of deafness or hearing limitations to the CDRC.  Requesting Accommodations details the steps to take to register for support services with the CDRC.  After submission of the required documentation, an Accessibility Advisor will meet with you to discuss appropriate accommodations.  Information on how to request and utilize interpreting and captioning services will be provided to you during your initial intake appointment. 

Interpreting and captioning services are available for required classroom activities (e.g., lectures, labs, etc.), meetings with faculty or advisors, as well as other programs and activities sponsored by, or affiliated with, Humboldt.

Students who are deaf or hard of hearing have the same rights as their hearing peers, including the right to be absent from class.  However, the Campus Disability Resource Center must ensure that funds expended for accommodations are being used effectively.   The CDRC has established responsibilities, procedures, and expectations for providing interpreting and captioning services to students to ensure that there is a balance with the need for access with the need for responsible budgetary management.

Every effort is made to provide students with reasonable accommodations.  As well, Humboldt considers student communication preferences (ASL, CART/RTC).  However, if the CDRC is unable to secure a student’s preferred accommodation, an equally effective alternative may be used.  Equally effective alternatives include (but are not limited to):

  • CART/RTC in lieu of ASL
  • Automatic captioning in Zoom in real time combined with a final transcript from Zoom in lieu of CART/RTC

Responsibilities and Expectations

The CDRC has established responsibilities, procedures, and expectations for students, the CDRC, interpreting and CART/RTC service providers, and faculty members for providing interpreting and captioning services.  Below are the responsibilities and expectations that can be expected from the Campus Disability Resource Center.

Please reference the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Definition of Terms if you have questions about specific terms noted in the responsibilities and expectations section above.

NOTE:  Many of the above services take time to coordinate.  Requests for services for students who are deaf or hard of hearing should be made prior to the semester and as early as possible.

CDRC Contact Information:
phone:  (707) 826-4678

Requesting Deaf & Hard of Hearing Accommodations

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Accommodations Request Form

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