Faculty Responsibilities for Deaf/HH Services
Faculty Responsibilities for Deaf/HH Services (pdf)
The Campus Disability Resource Center (CDRC) coordinates and provides interpreting and captioning services for students registered with CDRC who are deaf or hard of hearing (deaf/HH). Interpreting and captioning services are available for required classroom activities (e.g., lectures, labs, etc.), meetings with faculty or advisors, as well as other programs and activities sponsored by, or affiliated with, Cal Poly Humboldt.
The CDRC has established responsibilities, procedures, and expectations for (1) students; (2) CDRC; (3) interpreting and CART/RTC service providers; and, (4) faculty members for providing interpreting and captioning services. Below are the responsibilities and expectations that can be expected from faculty members at Humboldt.
Faculty Responsibilities
- Realize the significance of supporting the provided accommodations to ensure academic access and a smooth working relationship with students and interpreter or captioners.
- Provide support to interpreters or captioners through provision of supplementary materials including: handouts, PowerPoint presentations, access to Canvas course materials, or other information that will enhance interpreting or captioning work.
- Ensure that any questions or communications are directed to the student and not to the interpreter or captioner.
- Make arrangements with the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) to ensure that all instructional materials are accessible for students who are deaf and hard of hearing. This includes ensuring all videos/DVD’s used in a course (both required and recommended) are accurately captioned.
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