Student Responsibilities for Deaf/HH Services
Student Responsibilities for Deaf/HH Services (PDF)
The Campus Disability Resource Center (CDRC) coordinates and provides interpreting and captioning services for students registered with CDRC who are deaf or hard of hearing (deaf/HH). Interpreting and captioning services are available for required classroom activities (e.g., lectures, labs, etc.), meetings with faculty or advisors, as well as other programs and activities sponsored by, or affiliated with, Cal Poly Humboldt.
The CDRC has established responsibilities, procedures, and expectations for: (1) students; (2) CDRC; (3) interpreting and CART/RTC service providers; and, (4) faculty members for providing interpreting and captioning services. Below are the responsibilities and expectations of students registered with the Campus Disability Resource Center.
Student Responsibilities
- Contact the Campus Disability Resource Center immediately after admission is granted to communicate your enrollment plans and need for accommodations. Interpreting and captioning services require advanced coordination time. Contact with the CDRC should be initiated with as much notice as possible, even months in advance, to ensure the timely delivery of services.
- Provide the CDRC with verification of hearing loss by submitting medical documentation from a physician or a licensed audiologist, including a recent audiogram (within 3 years if hearing loss is progressive). See Requesting Accommodations
- Schedule an intake appointment with an Accessibility Advisor to register for CDRC services, and review and evaluate your accommodation needs. At this meeting, the Accessibility Advisor will review the policies and procedures related to the provision of interpreting and captioning services.
- Meet with an Accessibility Advisor as soon as possible after registering for classes (within one or two weeks of registering) to discuss services and accommodations for the upcoming semester. Failure to request interpreting or captioning services in a timely manner may delay the delivery of services.
- Notify the CDRC of any subsequent class or schedule changes as soon as possible to allow time for support services to be arranged or altered. Failure to request interpreting or captioning services in a timely manner may delay the delivery of services.
- Meet with an Accessibility Advisor when interpreting or captioning services will be necessary for internships, field work, field trips, or off-campus events. The coordination of interpreting or captioning services for off-campus events is complex and may involve outside agencies who will require advanced notice. Notify the CDRC as soon as field trips have been confirmed (and with at least 14 business days advanced notice) so the CDRC, student, and instructor can work together to ensure effective communication.
- Contact the Campus Disability Resource Center immediately if an interpreter or captioner fails to show up or arrives late for an interpreting or captioning assignment. Efforts will be made to provide a reasonable accommodation or equally effective alternative.
- Schedule interpreting or captioning services for final exams. Interpreting and captioning services will not automatically be assigned for finals week. During final exam week, all services are by request only. If interpreting or captioning services are required for a final exam, complete and submit a Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services Request form. Interpreting and captioning services for finals week should be submitted as soon as possible, and at least ONE WEEK prior to the scheduled date of the exam to ensure timeliness of services. Failure to request interpreting or captioning services in a timely manner may delay the delivery of services.
- Attend all requested interpreting or captioning assignments. Failure to attend an interpreting or captioning assignment without any prior notice given to CDRC may result in the absence being considered a “No-Show”. Excessive no-shows may result in the temporary suspension of interpreting or captioning services until the steps to reinstate services have been completed.
- Be punctual to all requested interpreting or captioning assignments. Interpreters will wait 15 minutes from the beginning of the stated start time of the scheduled event before leaving the class. Arriving to an interpreting or captioning assignment late will result in the tardy being considered a “Late Arrival”. Excessive late arrivals may result in the temporary suspension of interpreting or captioning services until until the steps to reinstate services have been completed.
- Cancel scheduled interpreting or captioning services in a timely manner. Interpreting or captioning assignments must be cancelled at least three (3) business days in advance prior to the scheduled date of service. CDRC is charged for unused services if cancellation is not completed within this required time frame. Failure to give 3 business days’ advanced notice will result in the absence being considered a “Late Cancellation”. Excessive late cancellations for interpreting or captioning assignments may result in the temporary suspension of interpreting or captioning services until until the steps to reinstate services have been completed.
- Students and interpreters share the responsibility for the provision of high quality interpreting services. Should difficulties arise that cannot be resolved, either party may contact the Campus Disability Resource Center for assistance.
- Notify instructors that interpreters or captioners will be used in the classroom. The Accommodations Memorandum letter will indicate that an interpreting or captioning may be used. The CDRC can assist in notifying instructors. If there are any problems encountered about having an interpreter or captioner in class, please contact the CDRC.
Excessive Absences, Temporary Suspension, and Reinstating Services
Interpreting or captioning services may be temporarily suspended if a student has excessive absences in any one class. Excessive absences are defined as: any combination of three (3) no-shows, late cancellations, or late arrivals. After the third no-show, late cancellation, or late arrival, an email will be sent stating that interpreting or captioning services have been temporarily suspended. The email will detail the steps that must be taken in order to reinstate services. Reinstating interpreting or captioning services will occur after completion of the following required steps:
- Schedule a meeting with an CDRC Accessibility Advisor.
- Attend the meeting that has been scheduled per step 1 above and discuss attendance patterns with the Accessibility Advisor.
- Ensure there is clarity between you and the Accessibility Advisor about enrollment status and attendance intentions.
- A plan will be developed with the Accessibility Advisor that will address the attendance concerns and confirm there is an understanding about the proper notification of future cancellations.
- Business Day: A business day is defined as Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Holidays are not considered business days. Any request for (or cancellation of) service after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays or on weekends and holidays will be considered as an 8:00 a.m. request for (or cancellation of) service on the following business day.
- Cancellation: Cancelling an interpreting or captioning assignment with at least three (3) business days’ advance notice.
- Excessive Absences: Three (3) no-shows, late cancellations, or late arrivals (or any combination thereof) per class.
- Interpreting or Captioning Assignment: An event (e.g., class, meeting, activity, etc.) where interpreting or captioning has been requested and scheduled by the CDRC.
- Late Arrival: Arriving to the interpreting or captioning assignment after the stated start time of the event.
- Late Cancellation: Providing less than three (3) business days’ notice for cancelling an interpreting or captioning assignment.
- No-Show: Failing to attend or missing an interpreting or captioning assignment without any prior notification or any form of prior communication with the CDRC. After a no-show, it is assumed that you will return to the next scheduled interpreting or captioning assignment unless you notify CDRC otherwise.
- Reinstating Services: The steps that must be followed in order to resume services that have been temporarily suspended. Once the student has followed the necessary steps for reinstating services, the CDRC will contact the service providers to resume the previously-scheduled assignments.
- Temporary Suspension of Services: The process whereby the CDRC may temporarily suspend interpreting or captioning services. Service providers will be contacted and instructed not to attend previously-scheduled interpreting or captioning assignments.
- Wait Length for Late Arrival: Interpreters will wait 15 minutes from the beginning of the stated start time of the scheduled event before leaving the class.