A.S. Sub-Committee on Funded Programs
To increase the A.S. Funded Programs understanding of the A.S. Budget beyond the financial aspect. A.S. Funded Programs Committee will be responsible for performing two program reviews to identify and suggest structural changes to elevate each program; to act as a think tank for increased collaboration and event programming.
Chair: A.S. Administrative Vice President
Co-chair: Elected from a seated A.S. Board member
- A.S. Student Affairs Vice President
- 1 A.S. Board Member
- 2 students-at-large
- 1 consistent representative from each A.S. Funded Program
See the Legislation for the Committee
More about A.S. Funded Programs & Services
Committee Head:
- Vacant, A.S. Administrative Vice President
Committee Advisor:
- Kendra Higgins - A.S. Executive Director
Committee Members:
- Amy Nava, A.S. Student Affairs Vice President
- Vacant, 1 A.S. Board Member
- Vacant, 1 student-at-large
- Vacant, 1 student-at-large
- 1 consistent representative from each A.S. Funded Program (CCAT,WRRAP,WRC,ERC,SWB,SLL)
Vacancy Number: