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Research/Faculty Associate and Adjunct Professor Appointment


Research Associate

A Research Associate is envisioned as an individual who is a productive researcher and grants person. He or she would come to the University with external funding (grants, contracts, etc.) and would be provided with space on the campus. A close, physical working relationship between the Research Associate and the departmental faculty, students, and staff is clearly one of the objectives. While the University would provide laboratory space, it would not provide a salary or fringe benefits. The individual, if paid by grants through Humboldt, would be paid through Humboldt Foundation's payroll process. 

The duties of the Research Associate are to serve as a colleague and as a resource for the department and for others in the college; to conduct research during their residency here; to prepare funding proposals; to be involved in the supervision of graduate student research; to serve as a resource for undergraduates, including lecturing in classes and giving seminars; and to advise students on careers in research, getting into graduate school, and job placement. Any grant or contract proposed would be submitted via Cal Poly Humboldt Sponsored Programs Foundation, would follow the University's institutional routing procedure, and would have a member of the University’s faculty as a co-investigator. 

The benefits that will derive from these individuals include enhancement of the research reputation of the department, college, and university; the likelihood of additional funds for equipment, clerical and technical support, and overhead for the Humboldt Foundation; the financial support of advanced undergraduate and graduate students; and a subjective, but very important aspect of providing a positive role model. 

There are costs, but they are relatively minor. Suitable office and laboratory space should be provided, as well as telephone and computer hook-up. The Research Associate will require University Library privileges and be permitted to purchase a parking permit. He or she must also be eligible to apply for Humboldt Foundation grants (supported by grant income), but only when the research project involves students. 

The Research Associate is expected to have a terminal degree or equivalent and to have a record of productive scholarship or creative activity and successful fund raising. After being nominated for the position, a favorable vote by a majority of the departmental faculty is required to send a name forward. The designation of individuals as Research Associate is by action of the Provost on the recommendation of the college personnel committee and endorsement of the college dean. The term of appointment should be one to five years and may be renewed. 

For protection of both parties, a Volunteer Appointment Form will be filed annually, and will include teaching load information for each semester, if applicable.

Faculty who wish to apply for Research Associate status can complete this electronic form and attach their CV illustrating qualifications.  To preview the form, please click the PDF below.  

Note: Please do not initiate the form until you are ready to submit it.

The designation of Research Associate allows the faculty member to be a Principle Investigator (PI) on Sponsored Programs Foundation grants.

Adjunct Professor

Persons to be considered for designation as adjunct professor shall be appropriate professional personnel assigned to agencies attached to the University (such as the Cooperative Fishery Unit) or other persons volunteering their professional services to the University. 

The criteria applied to persons being considered for designation as adjunct professor shall be those in Section 500. Specifically, the professional qualifications of the candidate for designation shall equal the qualifications expected of a faculty member, were one appointed to provide the same service. 

The personnel committee of the department where the service is to be performed shall initiate and substantiate the proposal of a candidate for adjunct professor. The proposal and the supporting documents will be sent to the college personnel committee in the college where the service is performed. After due consideration and investigation, the college personnel committee shall forward the proposal, with its recommendation, to the President, or designee, for action. 

The designation of the individuals with the title of adjunct professor is by action of the President, or designee, on the recommendation of the department and then college personnel committee. Such designation carries no rank or emolument, though such persons may be given library privileges and access to such facilities as are appropriate. For protection of both parties, a Volunteer Appointment Form will be filed annually, and will include teaching load information for each semester, if applicable. 

Adjunct Professors shall be appointed for a term of five years. The five-year term is renewable upon the recommendation of the department personnel committee and the approval of the college personnel committee where the service is performed, such recommendation being based on the assumption that the candidate remains in the same relationship to the University and provides the same service as when first appointed. 

Department and college personnel committees, in making recommendations, and the administration, in making appointments, are to consider any impacts on campus resources. The Office of Academic Personnel Services will provide an annual list to college deans in the fall listing adjunct faculty whose five-year appointments will expire during the academic year.

Please send your CV and indicate your interest with the academic department you wish to affiliate with.  The best contact is the department chair.  Click here to browse the Humboldt Faculty and Staff Directory.

Department Instructions: 

  • After receiving and reviewing an application, if recommended, send a department recommendation memo (along with the candidate's materials) to the college dean. 
  • The Dean will review the materials and write a recommendation to the Provost. The college office should forward completed packets to for review.
  •  A Volunteer Appointment Form will be filed annually.

The designation of Adjunct Professor allows the faculty member to be a Co-Principle Investigator (PI) on Sponsored Programs Foundation grants.  An Adjunct Professor cannot be a PI.

Faculty Associate

From time to time persons of distinguished academic preparation or accomplishments may seek, or be sought by the University, to associate temporarily for the purpose of the advancement of learning. Where such association is mutually beneficial and upon the recommendation of the appropriate department(s), acting as a committee-of-the-whole or through its personnel committee, the college dean may designate such persons as "Associate in [the appropriate academic discipline].” Such a designation carries no rank or emolument, though such persons may be given library privileges and access to such facilities as are appropriate. 

The recommendation should include specific details relating to the criteria indicated above, including (1) the academic preparation or accomplishments that distinguish the person recommended; (2) the way in which learning and/or scholarship may be advanced by the association; (3) how it will mutually benefit the parties; (4) and the period of association, with the possibility of reappointment. The college dean will inform the Dean of the University Library of the acceptance of such a recommendation. For protection of both parties, a Volunteer Appointment Form will be filed annually, and will include teaching load information for each term, if applicable.

Please send your CV and indicate your interest with the academic department you wish to affiliate with.  The best contact is the department chair.  Click here to browse the Humboldt Faculty and Staff Directory.

Department Instructions: 

  • After receiving and reviewing an application, if recommended, send a department recommendation memo (along with the candidate's materials) to the college dean. 
  • The Dean will review the materials, and if approved, will write a letter approving the status. The Dean is the approval authority for the Faculty Associate affiliation. The college office should forward completed packets to to ensure the volunteer faculty PeopleSoft record is maintained. 
  • Volunteer Appointment Form will be filed annually.