Faculty Professional Development
The Faculty Stipend for Training and Professional Development can be used to compensate faculty who participate in and complete training or professional development activities that meet specific guidelines.
- To receive a stipend, employees must have an active Unit 3 appointment
- The training or professional development activity and compensation amount must be pre-approved by the President (or the President’s designee).
- The training or professional development activity must be consistent with Article 25 of the CFA CBA.
- The training or professional development activity must not be required by law or CSU policy.
- Dates, stipend amounts, and the request and review process should be made publicly available to all eligible unit members.
- All eligible faculty at a campus who participate in the same manner in the same approved training or professional development activity must be paid the same amount.
- Employees must demonstrate completion of the approved training or professional development activity to be compensated.
- The training and professional development stipend(s) are not pensionable nor considered workload or additional employment.
- Employees are limited to a total of $10,000 per fiscal year in compensation from one-time stipend(s) throughout the CSU system.
- Stipends are taxable income, subject to other payroll deductions and campus payroll processing procedures.
- Before the professional activity begins, complete the Faculty Professional Development Activity Request Form (PENDING).
- Save a copy of the fully executed Faculty Professional Development Activity Request Form.
- After approved training or professional development activity has concluded, submit a Faculty Professional Development Stipend Payment Request Form. Please attach the fully signed and approved activity request form to the payment request.