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Queer Mentoring and Advocacy Program (QMAP)

Program Directors

Pat Gomez-Lopez

Zoe Bryant

Volunteer Weekly Meetings

Tuesday, 6:00-6:50pm (YES)

Spring 2025: Engagement

Engage with students at Arcata High School's SAGA Club. Collaborate with other on campus groups and focus on promoting QMAP resources to the student body (tabling, collaboration, and events).

Site Visit Schedule: 

  • Thursday, 11:40-1:00 (includes travel time)


Program Mission

The Queer Mentoring and Advocacy Program (QMAP) focuses on creating community among LGBTQIA youth and their allies by supporting groups in local schools and organizations, and empowering students to promote awareness, education, and acceptance of the queer community.  The program provides resources, a safe space and mentorships for local queer and allied middle and high school students.

This program is open and available to all who are interested to participate, regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.

Services, Goals & Projects

The Queer Mentoring and Advocacy Program provides mentoring and advocacy services for LGBTQA+ youth in local high schools. The group worked with Mattole Charter School in Fall semester of 2015 as well as McKinleyville High School. This year QMAP is continuing their work at McKinleyville High School with the student Diversity Club on campus. Every week a handful of volunteers go to the high school during the lunch hour to meet with this club and facilitate discussions pertaining to the queer community, as well as talk about the environment on campus. In relation to advocacy, QMAP plans to hold workshops for educators to learn how to better support their LGBTQA+ students. QMAP is attempting to reach out to more local schools in the community, and expose their participants to queer events and resources on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus. 

QMAP volunteers raise awareness about Trans Day of Remebrance at McKinleyville High School

QMAP volunteers raise awareness about Trans Day of Remebrance at McKinleyville High School

The QMAP team tables on campus (Fall 2018)

The QMAP team tables on campus (Fall 2018)