Exam & Test Prep
Here you will find resources to prepare you for the SAT, ACT, & CAASPP.
*Please note that many college admissions requirements have changed with regard to requiring SAT/ACT exams. Check your college(s) of interest for their requirement adjustments. The CSU requirements can be found here.
Official site of the American College Testing Program, which produces the ACT test. The site has college and career search info, as well as both free and for-purchase ACT test prep materials.
ACT Prep
The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP): An indicator of progress toward career and college readiness. This is a free test that High School Juniors take each spring.
College Board - SAT
Official site for the College Entrance Exam Board. Fast, easy scholarship, career and college search programs; SAT registration on-line, sample test questions.
Khan Academy - SAT Prep
College Board partnered with Khan Academy to provide personalized SAT test preparation. Using a diagnostic quiz or scores from PSAT and SAT tests, Khan Academy creates a personalized prep plan that shows you where you already excel, and where you should focus your practice. This is a wonderful FREE resource!