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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Exam & Test Prep

Here you will find resources to prepare you for the SAT, ACT, & CAASPP.

*Please note that many college admissions requirements have changed with regard to requiring SAT/ACT exams. Check your college(s) of interest for their requirement adjustments. The CSU requirements can be found here.

  • ACT

    Official site of the American College Testing Program, which produces the ACT test. The site has college and career search info, as well as both free and for-purchase ACT test prep materials.

  • ACT Prep

    The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP): An indicator of progress toward career and college readiness.  This is a free test that High School Juniors take each spring.

  • College Board - SAT

    Official site for the College Entrance Exam Board. Fast, easy scholarship, career and college search programs; SAT registration on-line, sample test questions.

  • Khan Academy - SAT Prep

    College Board partnered with Khan Academy to provide personalized SAT test preparation. Using a diagnostic quiz or scores from PSAT and SAT tests, Khan Academy creates a personalized prep plan that shows you where you already excel, and where you should focus your practice. This is a wonderful FREE resource!