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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


10th Grade

Stay on track and explore your interests & dreams.


  • Meet academic requirements for college by taking A-G classes. 
    Find out more about these requirements on our A-G academic requirements page. Take classes that challenge you and aim for A's and B's. Fous on Homework and develop good studying skills.
  • Talk to a school counselor
    Meet with a school counselor to talk about exploring careers and majors. Visit our Career exploration page for a list of career search websites.

Think Ahead

  • Explore career options
    Visit our Career Exploration page to start looking at options. Think about interests and try volunteer opportunities to get an idea of possible careers.
  • Tour & experience college campuses
    Visit college websites and tour different college campuses. 
  • Attend college prep events 
    Attend college and career fairs and information nights. 
  • Fund your college dream
    Visit our Financial Aid page for resources and start talking with your family about ways to pay for college (financial aid, scholarships, grants, and loans).

Testing & Grades

  • Prepare for and take college exams (SAT/ACT/CAASPP)
    Consider taking the PSAT or PSAT 10. Link your PSAT scores with a Khan Academy account for free personalized tutoring to help prepare for the SAT.

NOTE: The CSU no longer requires the SAT or ACT for admissions eligibility. SAT or ACT scores can be an additional measure to place you into General Education English and Math courses during your first year of college. 

  • Earn a C- or better in an "a-g" classes
    If necessary, ask a school counselor about Credit Recovery, or checkout the free "a-g" classes offered online to California public high school students through UC Scout: