8th Grade
Aim High
- Think about your future possibilities with a college education.
- Do your best in school and on standardized tests. If you’re having difficulty, get help from a teacher, tutor, or mentor.
- Strive to get A’s and B’s in your classes.
Explore & Plan
- Ask your counselor about challenging and interesting courses you can take in high school to prepare for college.
- Learn about, and plan to take, all the “A-G” college prep classes in high school.
- Discuss your thoughts and ideas about college with family and people at school.
- Ask your parent or guardian to help you research which high schools or special programs will most benefit your interests.
Study Smart
- Focus extra time to your Math and English classes.
- Set aside time in a quiet place every day for school work. Do your homework, study for tests, and finish extra work if you have time.
Connect & Talk
- Get involved in school or community activities that let you explore your interests and learn new things.
- Explore possible careers using an online “career interest survey” tool.
- Talk with teachers, school counselors, librarians, relatives, or family friends who have interesting jobs. Ask what they like about their job and what education they needed.