Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students.
Teresa Stanley
Art + Film
My work will be featured in the upcoming book "Acrylic Innovations: Styles and Techniques of 64 Visionary Artists" by Nancy Reyner, published by Northlight Books. The book will be available on Amazon in October and is a follow-up to Ms. Reyner's bestselling "Acrylic Revolution".
Nikola Hobbel
Nikola Hobbel's new text, "Social Justice Pedagogy across the Curriculum: The Practice of Freedom" (co-edited with Thandeka K. Chapman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) was published in the United States and Europe in April, 2010 by Routledge. Reviewers of the book have noted that it is "A must-have in any teacher education program," and "A brave, smart work [that] comprises hopeful opposition to injustice in school and society."
Laura K. Hahn
The paper, "Teaching Public Speaking: Cultural Expressions through Food" will be presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA) in San Francisco.
Laura K. Hahn
The chapter, “I’m Too Sexy for Your Movement: An Analysis of the Failure of the Animal Rights Movement to Promote Vegetarianism” was published in "Arguments About Animal Ethics," Eds. Greg Goodale and Jason E. Black. Lexington Books, 2010.
Tasha Souza
Souza, T.J., Carey, T., McMartin, F., Ambrosino, R., & Grimes, J. (in press). Using multimedia case stories of exemplary teaching for faculty development. In L.B. Nilson & J.E. Miller (Eds.), To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development, 29. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Souza, T.J., Dallimore, E, Pilling, B. Aoki, E. (2010). Communication climate, comfort, and cold-calling: An analysis of discussion-based courses at multiple universities. In L.B. Nilson & J.E. Miller (Eds.), To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development, 28, (pp. 227-249). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Laura K. Hahn & Michael Bruner
We have had two competitive papers accepted for presentation: “Would You Like Some E Coli with That? Anti-'Organic' Rhetoric“ has been selected for presentation at "Chew on This: Food Studies in Communication," at the National Communication Association (NCA) Scholars Seminar. The second, "Politics on Your Plate: Building and Burning Bridges across Organic, Vegetarian and Vegan Discourse" will be presented at NCA's Annual Meeting in San Francisco.