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Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students. 


Robert Cliver


Professor Robert Cliver of HSU's History Department has published an article this week in the online peer-reviewed journal of world history The Middle Ground. The article, titled "Tremors in the Web of Trade: Complexity, Connectivity and Criticality in the Mid-Eighth Century Medieval World" can be found online at


Robin Ray


Student Robin Ray was selected to represent HSU in the 2011 Panetta Congressional Internship Program. The Panetta congressional intern is an outstanding student from any major who has demonstrated how the internship will benefit their plans for public service. Tuition, travel, living expenses and a stipend are paid by the Panetta Institute for Public Policy.


Ryder Dschida and Michelle Kiso


Students Ryder Dschida and Michelle Kiso were named the 2011 Hennessey Award winner and runner-up, respectively. The Dr. John Hennessey Award was established in memory of Dr. John Hennessey, a professor of History and department chair at Humboldt State University who, after his retirement from the History Department, provided many years of service to the university. The award is given each year to a history major and graduating senior who has demonstrated academic excellence in the study of history.


Levi Mogg


Student Levi Mogg is the 2011 recipient of the Johnston-Aronoff Award. The Johnston-Aronoff Award is given each year to an outstanding student from Humboldt County who is pursuing a career in teaching history at the K-12 level. The award was established by Guy Aronoff, a professor in the HSU History Department, and his wife, Judy Johnston, in memory of Guy’s father, David Aronoff, and Judy’s mother, Aldy Johnston. Both were lifelong learners, and while neither were native Californians, they both very much loved California as their adopted home.


Matthew Herrera and Monica Mays


Students Matthew Herrera and Monica Mays won first and second place, respectively, in the 2011 Charles R. Barnum History Contest. The Charles R. Barnum History Awards celebrate original historical research of Humboldt County. The awards were established in 1952 by a grant from Charles Barnum, a realtor and insurance broker in Eureka who was a member of the Humboldt State College Advisory Board from 1946 to his death in 1953. Up to $2,500 in prize money is distributed each year.


Yang Yang


Yang Yang, a Geography and International Studies major at Humboldt State University, has won the $250 “Outstanding Student Paper” award from the Ethnic Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers in 2011. Yang has also presented this paper at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Seattle on April 15th, 2011, and has received the award as an invited guest at the awards Luncheon. Yang will be pursuing her Master in the Human Geography Research program at the London School of Economics and Political Science this fall.

Student Club

Sara Wilmot

Journalism & Mass Communication

The Lumberjack Newspaper took second place for General Excellence in the California Newspaper Publishers Association 2010 Better Newspaper Contest at a ceremony in Los Angeles on April 16. It came in second in the state, in the university category, to The Daily Bruin at UCLA. The contest was judged on three consecutive issues of the newspaper produced by a team of students led by graduating journalism major Sara Wilmot. The Lumberjack Newspaper is produced as part of JMC 327: The Newspaper Laboratory at Humboldt State.


John W. Powell


John W. Powell, Philosophy, will have his article, "Conceptual and Other Problems with Outcomes Assessment," appear in the American Association of University Professors May 2011 Journal of Academic Freedom.

He will also present to the East-West Philosophy Center conference, held every five years at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, on the topic "Theory as Authority," May 18th.


Ashley Randall and Ezra Hayman


Ashley Randall and Ezra Hayman presented research papers at the 3rd Annual Bay Area Undergraduate Communication Research Conference at San Jose State University. Randall's paper was a neo-Aristotelian rhetorical criticism of Harvey Milk's 19789 "Hope" speech, and Hayman's was an ideological rhetorical criticism of identity construction on Facebook user profiles. Both of them began their research for a Communication Research methods class in Fall 2010.


Jean O'Hara

Dance, Music & Theatre

In June, O’Hara will direct an indigenous spoken word performance at the Alainait Festival in Canadian Arctic, specifically in Iqaluit, Nanuvut. She will also be presenting the paper "Performing Borderlands: Agokwe's Investigations of Post-Colonial Impacts on Aboriginal Communities" at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education conference in August. She will also be presenting on the panel "Buddies in Bad Times Redefines Queer Theatre in Canada" at this same conference.