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Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students. 


Dr. Michael S. Bruner and Mr. Jason D. Meek


Bruner & Meek are happy to report that their book chapter, "A Critical Crisis Rhetoric of Seafood," appears in Janet Cramer, Ed., "Food as Communication" (Peter Lang: New
York and Bern, February 2011), pp. 271-295.


Dr. Marisol Cortes Rincon; Sarah Nicole Boudreaux ; Robert Gustas ; and Jeff Bryant


Dr. Marisol Cortes Rincon presented on her research at the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) on April 1st, 2011. Her paper is titled “Dos Hombres to Gran Cacao Settlement Survey Project: Preliminary Findings.” The research is based on her archaeological work in Belize, Central America.

Additionally, three of her students also presented at the SAAs: Sarah Nicole Boudreaux – (University of Texas at Austin) “Overview of Settlement Survey Studies at Programme for Belize Archaeological Project (PfBAP)”; Robert Gustas (HSU) “Peoples of Humboldt County – A Cultural Center”; and Jeff Bryant (HSU-CRF) “Spatial Visualization: Dos Hombres to Gran Cacao Settlement Survey.”


May Patino and Graeson Harris-Young


May Patino and Graeson Harris-Young will present their research on mona monkeys at the American Association of Physical Anthropologists' conference in Minnesota in April 2011. Their paper is titled “Comparison of Boom Calls in Cercopithecus mona in Benin and Grenada”. This research is based on vocal analyses done in the Biological Anthropology Research Laboratory with Professor Mary Glenn. May and Grae also plan to submit this paper for publication in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.


Sandy Strayer


Sandy Strayer presented her research at the Society for California Archaeology symposium on March 12th, 2011. Her paper is titled “Ribar High 2 Ground Stone Tool Analysis”. Her research is based on lithic analysis which she carried out as part of a course taught by Professor Marisol Cortes-Rincon. Sandy was invited to submit her article for publication in the Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology.


Drs. Sheila and Steve Steinberg


Drs. Sheila and Steven Steinberg contributed a book chapter entitled "Geospatial Analysis Technology and Social Science Research" to the newly released book: Handbook of Emergent Technologies in Social Research, edited by Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Oxford University Press, 2011.


David Stacey


David Stacey will attend the 8th Triennial Conference of the Kenneth Burke Society at Clemson University on May 26-29, 2011, where he will present a paper entitled "Listening to Jazz with Kenneth Burke: Identification as Improvisation."


Sam Sonntag


Sam Sonntag's article, "The Changing Global-Local Linguistic Landscape in India," has just been published in English Language Education in South Asia, edited by Lesley Farrell, Udaya Narayan Singh and Ram Ashish Giri (New Delhi: Foundations Books, an imprint of Cambridge University Press India, 2011).


David Sandrock; Uri Grunder; Graeson Harris-Young; May Patino


The Dean's office in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences has awarded the following students with an Undergraduate Research Fellowships in the Anthropology department: David Sandrock, Uri Grunder, Graeson Harris-Young, and May Patino.


Kristin L. Mack

Dance, Music & Theatre

"Sweet Mother of God", a ten-minute play written by Theatre Arts graduate student and Office of Admissions staff member Kristin Mack, was selected as a finalist for the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) for Region 7. It was one of only 6 plays selected in our region, which includes Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, northern California and northern Nevada.

KCACTF will be hosted on-campus at HSU this year, February 14-18th.


Benjamin Marschke


Publication of co-edited book:

Jason Philip Coy, Benjamin Marschke, and David Warren Sabean, editors, The Holy Roman Empire, Reconsidered (Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association 1), New York: Berghahn Books, 2010. (ISBN 1845457595)