Which class status should I use?
What does the Class Status mean?
- Active (+print flag = Y): Class sections are open for student self-enrollment and appear in the online class schedule, as well as in the Student Center class search.
- Active (+print flag = N): Class sections are open for student self-enrollment (e.g. for PBLC students) but will NOT appear in the online class schedule or the Student Center class search. These sections WILL appear in the Sub Schedule of Place-Based Learning and other Block Scheduled Courses such as EOP. Use this status+print flag combination for PBLC classes (when all seats in the section are reserved for a PBLC).
- Stop Further Enrollment: Courses that are NOT open for student self-enrollment, but have a scheduled room. Use this status for additional sections of courses that may be opened once other sections are filled. Limit the use of such “zero-enrolled” (aka "ghosted) sections to scenarios where historical data indicates that additional sections will likely be used and the Dean has approved “zero-enrollment" status. This status is also used when canceling a class (and within 7 days it is replaced with Cancelled Section status by the Office of the Registrar).
- Tentative Section: Courses that will not be offered in a given term. These sections are NOT open to student self-enrollment and do NOT appear in the online class schedule or the Student Center class search. Tentative sections do NOT hold classrooms reserved, nor do they "roll" to future semesters.
- Canceled Section: Used ONLY by the Registrar’s Office to cancel classes with enrollment.
How to change class status?
NAVIGATION: Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes
Once you find the class you wish to update, select the Enrollment Cntrl tab. Locate the Class Status drop-down menu and select the desired status. To learn what each of the available statuses means read the section above.
![class status](/sites/default/files/academic-programs/2024-12/ce143b48bc78019159e50631ffe551a4-881x261.png)
Once you selected the appropriate Class Status, Save the page using the button at the bottom of the page.
How to check/uncheck the print flag?
NAVIGATION: Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes
Once you find the class you wish to update, select the Basic Data tab. Locate the Class Status drop-down menu and select the desired status. To learn what each of the available statuses means read the section above.
![Basic data tab](/sites/default/files/academic-programs/2024-12/print_flag.png)
Once you selected the appropriate Class Status, Save the page using the button at the bottom of the page.