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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Syllabus Resources

Cal Poly Humboldt Syllabus Repository. This publicly available repository contains copies of syllabi for courses recently taught at Cal Poly Humboldt.

Cal Poly Humboldt Course Syllabus Policy. A syllabus is more than just a calendar of assignments. This policy names all the components required in the syllabus and provides suggestions based on best practices.

Syllabus Addendum. This link leads to a page that contains current links to relevant campus policies, procedures, and resources for students. In order to save space in the syllabus, it is recommended that a link to this page may be included in the syllabus in lieu of the links to individual policies.

Syllabus Template & Recommendations. There are two ways to access the syllabus template:

Shared Course Outline Template (requires Humboldt login credentials). A shared course outline is not a syllabus and is not provided to students—it is used to inform the creation of a syllabus for a specific course. The purpose of a shared course outline is to support reasonable consistency across the offerings of a course.

Making Word Documents Accessible. "Overview of accessibility issues related to Microsoft Word. Covers issues with Word-generated HTML. Explains how to publish more accessible versions of your Word documents, and resources available at little or no cost to facilitate the conversion of Word documents."

Creating Accessible Content. General guidelines for creating accessible content

ITS Accessible Resources Center (ARC). The Accessible Resources Center (ARC) team helps faculty and staff ensure that digital documents are compliant with the requirements of the Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI).