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What Course Delivery Method options are available?

Course Delivery Modes
Face-to-Face (F2F)

A course held in person in a University classroom or other instructional space.

  • Most F2F classes should have only 1 meeting pattern, e.g.,
    • 08/22/2023 - 12/08/2023 (all 15 weeks of instruction + fall break) - Facility ID: an actual classroom, e.g. FH_118, NR_224, SCID_157.
  • Some F2F classes, such as field placements, may happen asynchronously off-campus, in which case they should have a Facility ID of OC, and days/times of TBA. They too will have only one date range of 08/22/2023 - 12/08/2023.
  • All F2F classes under the APDB Class Mapping Values Link should have the APDB Learning Mode: 09.
  • On the Basic Data tab, set the Instruction Mode field value to "P" (Face to Face Instruction ONLY).
Hybrid (H)

A flexible course where students will have both face-to-face and virtual instruction. This can also include on and off-campus components. Online components can be either synchronous or asynchronous.

  • All Hybrid classes should have 2 meeting patterns:
    • Face-to-face component:
      • 08/22/2023 - 12/08/2023 (all 15 weeks of instruction + fall break) - Facility ID: an actual classroom, e.g. FH_118, NR_224, SCID_157
    • Virtual component:
      • 08/22/2023 - 12/08/2023 (all 15 weeks of instruction + fall break), which can be synchronous or asynchronous.
    • Screenshots for scheduling hybrid classes can be found on the How to schedule a hybrid class? page.
  • APDB Class Mapping Values Link, APDB Learning Mode: 05 (for asynchronous virtual components) or 06 (for synchronous virtual components).
  • On the Basic Data tab, set the Instruction Mode field value to "H" (Hybrid (Online + Face to Face)).
Hyflex (Hybrid Flexible) (H)

Course design model that presents the components of hybrid learning in a flexible course structure that gives students the option of attending sessions in the classroom, participating online, or doing both. Students can change their mode of attendance weekly or by topic, according to need or preference. Hyflex presents multiple paths through course content. 

  • To schedule such a class, follow the Face-to-Face instructions above AND utilize the Notes field to describe the Hyflex flexibility options. 
  • On the Basic Data tab, set the Instruction Mode field value to "H" (Hybrid (Online + Face to Face)).
Virtual Synchronous (O)

100% of the course instruction is delivered in virtual mode and in real-time. Students do not need to be on campus for any portion of the coursework or evaluation. Students are seated at other locations at the exact time indicated in the schedule. 

  • To schedule such a class, follow the instruction on this page: How to schedule a fully online class?
  • On the Basic Data tab, set the Instruction Mode field value to "O" (Online Instruction ONLY).
  • Additionally, on the Basic Data tab add a FONL/AB386 Course Attribute.
Virtual Asynchronous (O)

100% of the course instruction is delivered in an asynchronous instruction mode. Students do not need to be on campus for any portion of the course. Coursework or evaluation interactions are not expected to occur in real-time. 

  • To schedule such a class, follow the instruction on this page: How to schedule a fully online class? The following class Note can be added: "This section is a 100% virtual class with no scheduled class sessions".
  • On the Basic Data tab, set the Instruction Mode field value to "O" (Online Instruction ONLY).
  • Additionally, on the Basic Data tab add a FONL/AB386 Course Attribute.
Virtual Bisynchronous (O)

A mixture of both synchronous and asynchronous components. Synchronous and asynchronous meeting patterns will appear on the schedule. 

  • To schedule such as class, follow the instructions on this page: How to schedule a SYNC+ASYNC (bisynchronous) class?
  • On the Basic Data tab, set the Instruction Mode field value to "O" (Online Instruction ONLY).
  • Additionally, on the Basic Data tab add a FONL/AB386 Course Attribute.

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