Compliance & Training
Notice of Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Gender or Sex
The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of gender, which includes sex and gender identity or gender expression, or sexual orientation in its education programs or activities.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and certain other federal and state laws, prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation in employment, as well as in all education programs and activities operated by the University (both on and off campus), including admissions. The protection against discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation includes sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and gender based dating and domestic violence and stalking.
Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to have experienced the conduct that could constitute sex discrimination or sexual harassment), in-person, by mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail, using the contact information listed below for the Title IX Coordinator, or by any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the person’s verbal or written report. Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number or electronic mail address, or by mail to the office address, listed for the Title IX Coordinator.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and Title IX complaints for Cal Poly Humboldt:
David Hickcox
Title IX Coordinator and Discrimination, Harassment, & Retaliation Prevention Administrator
Siemens Hall 212
1 Harpst Street
Arcata, CA 95521
Office: (707) 826-5177
Questions may also be addressed to:
Office for Civil Rights
San Francisco Office
U.S. Department of Education
50 United Nations Plaza
San Francisco, CA 94102
Telephone: (415) 486-5555
Facsimile: (415) 486-5570
Annual Reports
2023-2024 Annual Reports and Dashboards
- Department Annual Report - this is a PDF. Should you need assistance or accommodations to review this document, please contact the Campus Disability Resource Center.
- Cal Poly Humboldt Dashboard
- CSU Systemwide Dashboard
Message Regarding the Title IX Annual Report for 2022-2023
In response to feedback from Cozen O’Connor following their assessment of the CSU’s Title IX and Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (DHR) programs and from the California State Auditor following their audit of the CSU’s system to assess the CSU’s handling of sexual harassment complaints against employees at the Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor’s Office), California State University, Fresno, San José State University, and Sonoma State University the CSU Chancellor’s Office is refining the categories of Title IX data it gathers to ensure the accuracy of campus Title IX Annual Reports and to facilitate more precise analysis and identification of patterns and trends. While the CO works to update the data queries, CSU campuses will defer issuing Title IX Annual Reports until the Chancellor’s Office finalizes new guidance for data collection and reporting.
During this time, all CSU campuses will continue to issue the Annual Security Report, accessible for Cal Poly Humboldt at this direct link, in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act). This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning Clery Act defined crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the CSU, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. This report includes, but is not limited to, reported incidents of sexual assault (including rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape), domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Please note that the data in the Annual Security Report differs from the data that has historically been reported in a campus’s Title IX Annual Report due to the specific definitional and geographical parameters required for Clery statistics.
Past Reports
Other Documents
- Myths and Facts about Sexual Misconduct
- Rights and Options for Victims of Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking
- Safer Campus Survey Results - please note that this report contains explicit descriptions of violence.
Title IX Regulation Trainings
34 CFR Part 106.45(10)(D) states, "A recipient must maintain for a period of seven years records of all materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. A recipient must make these training materials publicly available on its website, or if the recipient does not maintain a website the recipient must make these materials available upon request for inspection by members of the public."
To comply with this part of the regulations, we have created links to these materials under each of the people listed within the "Core Team" section on our "Contact Us" page (direct link); trainings will be added as we complete them. To access someone's specific training list, click on a contact's name. This is part of our ongoing efforts to serve our community to the best of our ability and emphasize transparency where we can.
Training Compilations
- All California State University trainings offered through the Chancellor's Office can be found at this link.
- All Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) trainings can be found at this link.
Please note: The training materials that are linked are proprietary and are copyrighted. Your right is a right of inspection and review of the materials on this site, only. No other right is granted beyond viewing.
Required Training for Employees
Federal law requires all colleges and universities that receive federal financial aid programs to train their faculty and staff on how to recognize sexual misconduct, report incidents to campus authorities, and prevent sexual misconduct from occurring in the first place.
Cal Poly Humboldt employees must complete the Gender Equity and Title IX course through CSULearn annually. The course teaches employees valuable skills for assisting victims and survivors of sexual violence and reporting sexual violence. Interactive case studies and videos contained in the training provide engaging educational content that explains how to respond to known or suspected sexual violence, which includes sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.
Campus employees, including student staff, are notified of required training, along with the due date. To access the course, follow these steps:
- Log into MyHumboldt
- Go to Faculty/Resources tab
- Scroll down to CSULearn
- Click on "Assigned Learning"
Training and communication are key to not only helping prevent sexual violence on campus, but also in helping our university to appropriately respond to a complaints of sexual misconduct and discrimination. In addition to this required course, the Title IX office will present customized trainings to staff, faculty, and classrooms.
Working together, we can create real, lasting change to end sexual violence at Cal Poly Humboldt.
Required Trainings for Students
All currently enrolled students are required to complete an online course called, “Sexual Violence Prevention”.
We require this course be completed as a means of educating our campus community about topics surrounding sexual violence, such as sexual misconduct (including sexual assault), dating and relationship violence, sexual harassment, and stalking. In addition to promoting awareness, this course also provides information about reporting options, support measures that can be implemented, and resources available to all students.
We recognize that this course may be difficult for some to complete. We want to emphasize that students have the ability to pause or stop progress and go back to it at their own pace. If needed, the Campus Advocate Team (707-445-2881) is available 24/7, and is free and fully confidential as a support resource for all students.
Students are emailed information about accessing the course and are given six weeks to complete the training. A hold is put on their accounts if they fail to complete it within the deadline. Students can click HERE to check the status of completion or to take the assigned course.
Questions or concerns about the course and requirements can be sent to
Laws & Policies
There are several different laws, policies, and sets of regulations that ensure equitable access or prevent discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, retaliation, and other inappropriate behaviors. The laws, policies, and regulations listed below are not intended to be an exhaustive list or provide legal advice.
- § - "section"
- C.F.R. - Code of Federal Regulations
- U.S.C. - United States Code
Federal Level
The purpose of ADA is to provide "a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination" and "clear, strong, consistent, enforceable standards addressing discrimination". The CSU published EO 1111 to provide additional information on disability support and accommodations.
People with questions should direct them to Humboldt's Campus ADA Coordinator:
Scott M. Kasper, PsyD
Employee Relations and Compliance Manager
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Campus ADA Coordinator
Conflict of Interest Officer
(707) 826-5174
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act for short) became federal law in 1990. It is considered a consumer protection law that focuses on transparency around campus crime policy and statistics.
What does this mean for Humboldt?
The Clery Act requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to post and share a public annual security report to our employees and students every October 1st. This report must include statistics of campus crime for the preceding 3 calendar years, plus details about efforts taken to improve campus safety. For more information, visit the Clery Compliance website.
TITLE IX - 20 U.S.C. § 1681 & C.F.R. Part 106 (1972) states, "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance."
What does this mean for Humboldt?
Students and employees have the right to participate in campus programs and activities (such as clubs, academic programs, athletics, etc.) free from the prohibited conduct listed below:
- Discrimination, including Harassment, because of any Protected Status
- Retaliation against anyone exercising rights under this policy or participating in any related investigation or proceeding
- Sexual Misconduct, which includes sexual activity engaged in without Affirmative Consent
- Dating and Domestic Violence and Stalking
VAWA was reauthorized and became public law in February 2013, but has since expired (Dec. 21, 2018). It was temporarilly reauthorized from late January to mid-February in 2019, but expired. The House of Representatives passed a reauthorization of VAWA in April of 2019, but it has stalled in the US Senate.
What does this mean for Humboldt?
We are still complying with the requirements of VAWA. One of the things we are required to do is describe our procedures for disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking cases. This is described in EO 1098, Article IV. Other requirements include, but aren't limited to:
- publish programs to prevent domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking
- a statement that the institution of higher education prohibits the offenses of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking
- This is the "Notice of Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Gender and Sex" at the top of this website
- the definition of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and consent, in reference to sexual activity
- investigation and resolution procedures are fair, prompt, and impartial and be conducted by officials who receive annual training on the issues related to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects the safety of victims and promotes accountability
- Completed trainings are under our "Contact Us" page. Click on the ">" next to any of the Core Team's names.
State Level
Assembly Bill 620 (AB 620) amends certain parts of the Donahoe Higher Education Act requesting the Trustees of the CSU to adopt and publish policies on harassment, intimidation, and bullying to be included within the rules of student conduct governing their respective segments of public postsecondary education. It also requests that we designate an employee at each of their respective campuses as a point of contact to address the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender faculty, staff, and students and to collect aggregate demographic information regarding sexual orientation and gender identity of staff and students (as part of other aggregate demographic information), among other things.
What does this mean for Humboldt?
Much of what AB 620 contains are requests, not requirements. At Humboldt, we have started collecting the aggregate demographic data through the admissions application over the last few years. We are making continual updates to that collection in order to have accurate data as well as keep up on accurate terms that people are using to identify themselves.
Our Student Code of Conduct references that harassment and intimidation are grounds for student discipline. Additional policy information can be reviewed at the CSU EOs listed under the CSU System-Wide section below.
AB 760 amends Sections 66271.4 and 66271.41 of the Education Code, relating to public postsecondary education. Starting from the 2023–24 graduating class, a new bill prohibits educational institutions from mandating legal documentation for students to demonstrate a name or gender change on their diploma. Students' chosen names will be listed without such requirements, unless legally mandated. The bill allows institutions to use gender or legal names from official documents only when legally necessary, requiring recognition of students' affirmed names and gender identities otherwise. Additionally, the bill mandates California State University Trustees to establish a system enabling students, staff, and faculty to declare affirmed names and genders. Starting 2024–25, campus systems must support this declaration process. The bill also facilitates updating records based on affirmed names or gender identities without extra charges, ensuring equal fees for document corrections or updates.
What does this mean for Humboldt?
Cal Poly Humboldt currently has procedures in place for students and employees to declare affirmed names for diplomas, pronouns, a Humboldt ID card, and other campus systems. The Gender Diversity Task Force is currently in process of identifying which systems have legal name mandates and is developing a training for employees on how to best navigate these more sensitive situations that prioritize using an affirmed name (sometimes referred to as a "preferred name", a "name", or a "chosen name") and minimizing harm to the individual. Additional guidance from the CSU Chancellor's Office may be forthcoming and this section will be updated to reflect any policy or procedure changes.
AB 1266 is the School Success and Opportunity Act. Existing law prohibits public schools from discriminating on the basis of specified characteristics, including gender, gender identity, and gender expression, and specifies various statements of legislative intent and the policies of the state in that regard. Existing law requires that participation in a particular physical education activity or sport, if required of pupils of one sex, be available to pupils of each sex. This bill would require that a pupil be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with their gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.
What does this mean for Humboldt?
AB 1266 allows students to compete on sports teams and use facilities like showers and bathrooms based on their gender identity, regardless of what is listed on the student's records.
The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) establishes the Department of Fair Employment and Housing. FEHA declares as the public policy of the State of California states that it is necessary to protect and safeguard the right and opportunity of all persons to seek, obtain, and hold employment without discrimination or abridgment on account of protected statuses. Additionally, it declares and establishes the opportunity to seek, obtain, and hold employment and housing without discrimination because of protected statuses is a civil right.
What does this mean for Humboldt?
You have the civil right to seek, obtain, and hold employment and housing without discrimination because of protected statuses. The full policy text linked below contains more details.
California Government Code § 12940 lists unlawful employment practices, generally, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, or, except where based upon applicable security regulations established by the United States or the State of California.
What does this mean for Humboldt?
Certain employment practices are considered unlawful if the decisions are based on a protected statuses. For full details, review the full policy text listed below.
The Gender Recognition Act streamlines the process for Californians to apply to change their gender markers, and creates a nonbinary gender category on California birth certificates, drivers' licenses, identity cards, and gender-change court orders (the letter "x"). This enables many in our community, including transgender, intersex and nonbinary people, to have full recognition in the State of California. The law was authored by Sens. Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) and Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and sponsored by Equality California and the Transgender Law Center.
What does this mean for campus?
The Gender Recognition Act has implications throughout the campus, and in particular in areas where we organize by gender in binary ways. For example, many parts of employment processes, housing, sports facilities, payroll systems and recreational areas are designated by gender in a binary way (men and women) need to be updated in order to be in compliance with the Gender Recognition Act.
SB 195 is the Equity in Higher Education Act. Existing law, the Equity in Higher Education Act, provides that it is the policy of the state to afford all persons, regardless of disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or other specified bases, equal rights and opportunities in the postsecondary institutions of the state. The act requires a postsecondary educational institution, as defined, prior to the receipt of any state financial assistance or state student financial aid, to provide assurance to the agency administering the funds that each program or activity conducted by the institution will be conducted in compliance with the act and all other applicable provisions of state law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex.
What does this mean for Humboldt?
Before Humboldt can receive any state financial aid or state funding, we are required to provide assurance that Humboldt and all of our programs and activities, including but not limited to academics and athletics, are in compliance with Title IX. This assurance comes in the form of an annual report and is made available upon request. Our annual reports published under our "Compliance Tab".
CSU System-Wide
The CSU Nondiscrimination policy applies across all CSU schools and provides direction on implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.), among other applicable state and federal laws and related regulations.
What does this mean for Humboldt?
This policy prohibits the following conduct:
- Discrimination based on any Protected Status: i.e., Age, Disability (physical and mental), Gender (or sex, including sex stereotyping), Gender Identity (including transgender), Gender Expression, Genetic Information, Marital Status, Medical Condition, Nationality, Race or Ethnicity (including color, caste, or ancestry), Religion (or religious creed), Sexual Orientation, and Veteran or Military Status.
- Harassment based on any Protected Status.
- Sexual Harassment, including hostile environment and quid pro quo ("this for that").
- Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Exploitation and Stalking.
- Sexual Misconduct.
- Prohibited Consensual Relationships.
- Retaliation for exercising rights under this policy, opposing conduct that a person believes in good faith is Discrimination or Harassment because of a Protected Status, or for participating, in any manner, in any related investigation or proceeding.
If you've experienced something that you think falls within what is listed, you can file a report with the Title IX & DHR Prevention Office.
This is the CSU policy prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation. It details definitions, scope, and applicable procedures.
Individuals alleged to have committed sexual assault may face criminal prosecution by law enforcement and may incur penalties as a result of civil litigation. In addition, employees and students may face discipline/sanctions at the university. Employees may face sanctions up to and including dismissal from employment, per established CSU policies and provisions of applicable collective bargaining unit agreements.
Students charged with sexual discrimination, harassment or violence will be subject to discipline, pursuant to the California State University Student Conduct Procedures and will be subject to appropriate sanctions. In addition, during any investigation, the university may implement interim measures in order to maintain a safe and non-discriminatory educational environment. Such measures may include immediate interim suspension from the university, required move from university-owned or affiliated housing, adjustment to course schedule, or prohibition from contact with parties involved in the alleged incident.
It is CSU policy to ensure that individuals with disabilities shall have equal access to and the opportunity to participate in CSU programs, activities and services. Questions or reports falling under this EO should be directed to Scott Kasper in HRAPS:
Scott M. Kasper, PsyD
Employee Relations and Compliance Manager
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Campus ADA Coordinator
Conflict of Interest Officer
(707) 826-5174
In early May of 2015, the University Senate passed the Resolution on the Right for Self Identification which urges Humboldt "to adopt operating procedures that would allow students, faculty, staff and administrators to choose how they are identified by the University".
This resolution asks the campus to allow campus members the choice in the name that is displayed in various campus systems, such as IDs, email addresses, learning management systems (e.g. Canvas), and class rosters.
The Resolution in Support of a Preferred Name Policy from Associated Students in May of 2015 calls on the Humboldt President's Office and the University Senate to create and implement a policy that allows students to use their preferred name (now often referred to as their chosen name, or just their name) across different campus systems, such as student ID cards, campus email addresses, and the campus directory.