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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.

After Hours Assistance

The following services are available for after-hours assistance. Click the items below for how to access these services.

M-F 8:30 AM-4:30 PM Text Line: (707) 382-5174
24/7 Hotline: Humboldt (707) 445-2881

  • The Cal Poly Humboldt Campus Advocate Team has NO reporting obligations to Law enforcement and/or admin on campus.
  • The hotline and text line are free.
  • Their services are for anyone who has experienced violence at ANY time in their lives regardless of how long ago it occurred.
  • They hold no stance on reporting. They are pro survivor and pro healing. They support your decision to report or not to report 100%.

Campus Advocate Team website

To access the 24/7/365 services offered by Empathia, please login to To access the Empathia password, please login to your MyHumboldt portal. The password is located in the "View Paycheck and Benefits" section. We are unable to provide a phone number or password outside of a secure location.

EAP website

Housing & Residence Life has professional staff on duty 24/7/365. The website below has more details and phone numbers.

Housing Contact & Hours website

24/7 Support Line: 707-443-6042

Toll-free: 866-668-6543

This is a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week support line provided free to anyone who needs to talk to someone about intimate partner abuse. This number is the best way to contact HDVS' dedicated advocates and it is the access point for all of their services. This is NOT an emergency number. If you are in danger, call 911 immediately.

HDVS website

Go to to register with your name and school email address. This will enable you to then schedule visits from any web-enabled device, smartphone, laptop, or desktop. TimelyCare provides 24/7 unlimited emotional support for Cal Poly Humboldt students.

CAPS TimelyCare website

UPD is available 24/7/365 at (707) 826-5555 or 911 in emergencies.

UPD website


Complaint Process Coordinator

If you are unsure of which form to select or where to start, please reach out to the Complaint Process Coordinator for assistance: 

Pam Kirschner
Siemens Hall 211

Ombuds Office

Humboldt Ombuds is a free service, available to Cal Poly Humboldt students, faculty, and staff. They offer a safe place to discuss problems or issues within the University and can help identify options for addressing specific concerns and resolving conflicts. Ombuds treat all inquiries as confidential (except as required by law or where there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm). They do not take a side in disputes. Overall, Ombuds are advocates for fairness and equity.

Legal Resources

Legal Services of Northern California

Policy Information

Cal Poly Humboldt and the CSU System policies can be searched and read in full at the following policy catalogs: