
California Regional Environmental Education Community
CREEC CREEC Network is to provide a communication network through which educators can access high quality environmental education resources to enhance the environmental literacy of California students. Contact Allison Poklemba or Laura Powell if you are intested in learning more about CREEC activities in Region 1.

Northern California Science Teaching Initiative
This regional collaboration aims to support middle andhigh school science teachers and science departments. This initiative supports teachers individually to help with their professional development needs, assists science departments to further develop as effective learning communities, and provides a set of professional development offerings in which regional teachers can participate. Participation with this initiative is by invitation.
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Redwood Area Academic Literacy Initiative
RAALI is designed to improve academic literacy skills in science, mathematics, and history among high school students in the six county Northcoast region. Humboldt and Sonoma State Universities in cooperation with Konocti Unified School District manage the project.

California Natural History Institutes
The Redwood Science Project, with our partners, offer a series of California Natural History Institutes. An important goal of these institutes is to develop a rich sense of place based knowledge about natural history based on experiences in the field, literature reading, digital media and journaling. For more information contact Julie Van Sickle at (707) 826-5552 or
Science And Film Initiative
This initiative is designed to bring scientists, filmmakers, and educators together to explore the documentary film genre as a medium for conveying ideas about science and its relationship to other human endeavors. As part of this effort, the RSP offers institutes and courses to support this work. For more information contact Jeffrey White at

Design Your Future: Introduction To Engineering Design Institute
In collaboration with the Environmental Resources Engineering Department at Humboldt, the Design Your Future (DYF) Teacher Institute presents an engineering problem solving framework that can be used to teach science and mathematics in a rich, problem based learning context. Institute participants experience the design process, reflect on that experience and then plan how to integrate the design process into their teaching. This institute is for secondary math and science teachers who want to provide more real world context for learning. Engineering topics include: sustainable engineering, bridge design, mechanical dissection, and hydrogen fuel cells.
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Lesson Study
The Redwood Science Project continues to support lesson study in science education. The RSP offers stipends for teacher teams (usually 3-4 teachers) who complete the LS cycle. Introduction to LS workshops are available with sufficient interest. The RSP is also a major sponsor of the annual California Lesson Study Conference. Contact Julie Van Sickle for more information.
Watersheds To Humboldt Bay
The Redwood Science Project has partnered with Jacoby Creek School and the Center for Integrative Coastal Observation, Research and Education with funding from NOAA to develop a watershed to bay curriculum for upper elementary and middle school students.