California Environmental Legacy Project

News and Announcements
The National Science Foundation Awards $3M to the Legacy Project
Redwood Science Project is a founding co-sponsor of this media and science education initiative. The multi-institutional endeavor aims to enhance the understanding of science and history pertaining to California’s environmental history. The center-piece is a four-part PBS film series and a companion set of place-based programs around the state.
To learn more, visit the Legacy Project Website.
Connecting Californians and Environmental Change
California is unlike any other place on Earth. It's an environment and a state – but it's also a state of mind, a legacy to be nurtured and passed on to future generations. Yet what is California and what will it become? The path forward requires that we reconnect our everyday lives to the life of California. Restoring these natural connections will inspire us to act in new ways that lead to a sustainable future.
Using California as a national case study of environmental change, the California Environmental Legacy Project is a statewide initiative among scientists, educators, and media professionals to enhance public understanding about that change. By creating high quality educational programs and media resources that connect learning about environmental change to local places, the Legacy Project will explore the fundamental nature of our relationship to a changing environment – where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.
Using artful storytelling, a place-based approach to learning, and interactive digital media, the project will take viewers on an unforgettable journey of discovery and inquiry into California’s past, present, and possible future environments through a public television series for national broadcast, regional programs across California, and digital distribution.