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Timeline to Graduation

Use this timeline to help you stay on track. These are important benchmarks that will help you reach your goal. First, take the time to familiarize yourself with the following:

First Semester Benchmarks

  1. Form your graduate committee. Fill out and submit the Graduate Committee Form
  2. Develop a tentative graduate course list with your advisor. Fill out and submit the Tentative Course List Form
  3. Develop a graduate research proposal. Consult with your major advisor and committee members.
  4. Complete the protocol forms if you plan to do research involving vertebrate animals or human subjects.

Second Semester Benchmarks

  1. Set a date for your graduate committee meeting, in which you will present your literature review, project background and proposed methods.
  2. Send your written research proposal to your graduate committee 2-3 weeks prior to meeting with them.
  3. Meet with your graduate committee to review your proposal. You need to meet with your graduate committee to have your proposal reviewed before you can begin your research. A written thesis and oral defense is the required culminating experience for all NR graduate students.
  4. Advance to Candidacy & Apply for Graduation. You should fill out and bring the application to your graduate committee meeting to be signed by all committee members. This form must be submitted prior to your final 9 units of academic work being completed. 

Third Semester Benchmarks

Meet with your advisor and graduate committee members regularly to update them on your progress and to get advice and help.

  1. Conduct your thesis research.
  2. Create a working outline of your written thesis 

Fourth (last) Semester Benchmarks

Complete a rough draft of your thesis early in the semester.

  1. Review Humboldt's Graduate Studies Thesis and Project Format Requirements. Use the NR Thesis template for a step-by-step guide to preparing and formatting a thesis.
  2. Submit thesis drafts to your major advisor for review.
  3. Submit polished thesis draft to your graduate committee 2-3 weeks prior to your defense. Your thesis defense should take place after your thesis draft has been reviewed by each of your committee members. See your major advisor to make room arrangements for your defense.
  4. Post a hardcopy of your Thesis presentation flyer in at least the Forestry, Natural Resources, Wildlife & Fisheries, and Science B buildings at least one week before your defense.  Email a copy of your defense flyer to the Natural Resources Graduate program list serve at
  5. Hold your defense. Your defense should include a public oral presentation of your thesis research followed by a closed formal thesis defense with your Graduate Committee.

Natural Resources Thesis Formatting & Filing Deadlines 

Go to the University Graduate Studies website for important deadlines and details on how to submit your final thesis.