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Goal 4. Regionally and nationally recognized research center for applied, student-engaged research

Objective 4.1 Faculty and students publish results in scientific journals and share insights from their research

Performance IndicatorBaselineAction Item
The number of scholarly publications, and the number of distinct student authors or co-authorsSee Appendix I -“ Scan: ScholarshipDesign and implement a tracking system to measure scholarly work production data.
The number of scholarly presentations, and the number of distinct student presenters or co-presentersSee Appendix I -“ Scan: Scholarship.Design and implement a tracking system to measure scholarly work production data.
The number of students participating in research programs at HSU and at other institutionsSee Appendix I -“ Scan: ScholarshipDesign and implement a tracking system to measure scholarly work production data.

Objective 4.2 Faculty seek and are awarded grants and contracts to conduct research activities that engage students

PerformanceIndicator BaselineAction Item
The number and value of grants and contractsSee Appendix I -“ Scan: ScholarshipDesign and implement a system by which these data can be delivered in an annual report from the sponsored program foundation.
The number of distinct PI's and co-PI's on grant-funded projects.See Appendix I -“ Scan: ScholarshipDesign and implement a system by which these data can be delivered in an annual report from the sponsored program foundation. Maintain a faculty-mentoring program to bring new faculty into the PI/co-PI community.
The number of Research Program placements offered by CNRS faculty.See Appendix I -“ Scan: ScholarshipDesign and implement a system by which these data can be delivered in an annual report from the sponsored program foundation.
The number of employed students on grant and contractsSee Appendix I -“ Scan: ScholarshipDesign and implement a system by which these data can be delivered in an annual report from the sponsored program foundation.

Objective 4.3 Engage in research that informs and benefits the Community and our Regional Partners

Performance IndicatorBaselineAction Item
The percent of research projects with community or regional partnersCNRS has not tracked metrics for this indicator.Design and implement a tracking system to measure community and regional engagement.
Investment by community or regional partners in support of researchCNRS has not tracked metrics for this indicator.Design and implement a tracking system to measure community and regional engagement.
Internships (paid or volunteer) provided to CNRS student in community or regional partnersCNRS has not tracked metrics for this indicator.Design and implement a tracking system to measure community and regional engagement.

Objective 4.4 Provide research facilities and services to enable faculty and student to participate in research experiences

Performance IndicatorBaseline Action Item
Area (sq. ft) of facilities dedicated to research keeps pace with growth in research activities and is equitably distributedCNRS has not regularly gathered for this indicator, nor has it regularly examined the connection between assigned space and research productivity.With CNRS Department Chairs, design and implement a space assignment plan that matches research needs with productivity. Design and implement a tracking system to measure facilities and services that support research.
S-factor units tied to faculty engagement with students in researchCNRS has not regularly gathered for this indicator.With CNRS Department Chairs, design and implement a tracking system to measure facilities and services that support research.
Investments in research equipment, technical staff, start-up, travel, release timeCNRS has not regularly gathered for this indicator.With CNRS Department Chairs, design and implement a tracking system to measure facilities and services that support research.