On-Campus ADA Transportation Services
Cal Poly Humboldt's Transportation & Parking Services provides on-campus (point-to-point) shuttle service for individuals who are physically unable to walk to campus locations. See Transportation & Parking Services - ADA Transportation for information regarding on-campus ADA transportation services.
Lumberjack Express Shuttle
Free rides around campus are available for the Humboldt community. The Lumberjack Express Shuttle provides a fixed campus route with scheduled designated stops every hour. Those with mobility limitations will be given preference if there is limited space available. All riders must show their current Cal Poly Humboldt ID when boarding the shuttle.
Miscellaneous Information
Accessible Public Transit to Campus
Dial-A-Ride is the ADA Paratransit service provider for the Humboldt area and is an origin-to-destination shared-ride transportation for individuals who are unable to use public transportation, either all of the time or some of the time, because of a disabling condition. Through the JackPass, Dial-A-Ride fares are free for students. Employees who wish to use Dial-A-Ride may do so as well for free when a JackPass is purchased for the semester.
Individuals interested in utilizing Dial-A-Ride must be registered and certified eligible by Humboldt Transit Authority before using the services. A code will be necessary in order to schedule rides for free. Following is the process to receive the code needed to utilize Dial-A-Ride services at Cal Poly Humboldt:
- Complete the Dial-A-Ride Application
- Once certified eligible to use Dial-A-Ride, send an email to indicating that you would like to use the Dial-A-Ride service. Include the following in the email: (1) your name; (2) Humboldt ID#; and (3) confirmation that you have been certified eligible to use Dial-A-Ride.
- Once verified as a student or as an employee who has a current JackPass, a code will be emailed to you. Instructions detailing how to use the code will be explained in the email from Transportation & Parking Services.
DMV Placard
For individuals who are in need of a Disabled Person Placard, this is available solely through the California State Department of Motor Vehicles: Disabled Persons Parking Placard and License Plates
NOTE: A valid Humboldt parking permit is required when utilizing disabled parking stalls on campus.
For Humboldt parking information, please see Transportation & Parking Services